Abuse of Rights
Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]
Access to Information
Freedom of Expression and Idea-Expression Dichotomy [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 95-127]
Administrative Justice Court
Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]
American Troops
The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]
A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]
Article 170 of the Constitution
Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]
Article 64 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]
Article 98 of the civil service
Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]
Article No. 219 of Tax Law
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]
Bilateral investment treaty
Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]
Bilateral Treaties
Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]
Case Law
The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]
Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]
Civil Society
Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]
Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]
Concept of Right
Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]
Consolidation Acts
Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]
Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]
Constitutionalisation of Fundamental Rights
The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]
Contractual Freedom
The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]
Conventional Conflict
The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]
Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982
International Obligations of Greenhouse Gas Emission States from the Perspective of the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 39-69]
Corona Crisis
The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]
Corona's pandemic
Challenges to the Health of Immigrant Women in the Light of International Human Rights with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 143-180]
Coronavirus disease
A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]
Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]
Cost Allocation
Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]
Court of Administrative Justice
Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]
Criminal justice
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
Customary International Law
Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]
Defined Benefits
The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]
Delegation of Power
A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]
Detained Witnesses
Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]
Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]
Dispute resolution
A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]
Dissolution of Parliament
A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]
Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]
Domestic Law
Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]
Dual nationality
Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]
Dutch Court
Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]
Economic Crisis
Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]
Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]
Environmental protection
Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]
Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]
European Court of Human Rights
Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]
European Union
The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]
Exceptional Administrative Authority Opinions
Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
Foreign investment
Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]
Foreign Investment Arbitratio
Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]
Fragmentation OF international law
Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]
Freedom of Trade
Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]
Functus Officio
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]
Government regulations
Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]
Greenhouse Dases
International Obligations of Greenhouse Gas Emission States from the Perspective of the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 39-69]
Health products
The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]
Human dignity
The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]
Humanization of the law of the sea
Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]
Human Rights
The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]
Human Rights
Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]
Human Rights
Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]
Idea-Expression Dichotomy
Freedom of Expression and Idea-Expression Dichotomy [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 95-127]
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
Implicit Revocation
Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]
Intentional termination
The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]
Interaction of human rights and law of the sea
Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]
Interests of the Host State
Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]
International arbitration
Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]
International Arbitration Tribunals
Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]
International Commercial Arbitration
Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]
International community
Investigating the impact of the mechanism of creating a Trans Governmental network in the international community [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 311-335]
International Community Values
The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]
International Criminal Court
The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]
International Criminal Court
Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]
International documents
Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]
International Health Regulations
A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]
International Investment
Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]
International Law
The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]
International Law
Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]
International Law
Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]
International Law Commission
The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]
International Organizations
The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]
International Tax Agreements
A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]
Investment Disputes
Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]
Iran Parliamentary Election
The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]
Iran Retirement System
The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]
The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]
Islamic law
Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]
Judges of Courts
Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]
Judges of the Branches of the Administrative Justice Court
Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]
Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]
Judicial Mechanism
Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]
Latin Notary
Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]
Law of the Sea
Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]
Legal Instruments
Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]
The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]
Member States
The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]
Merida Convention
Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]
A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]
Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]
Multi-tier System
The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]
Mu'tazilites Theory
Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]
Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP)
A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]
National Interests
Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]
Nationality Planning
Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]
A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]
Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]
Non-Precluded Measures
Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]
Northern Syria
The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]
Norway Retirement System
The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]
Obligatory Currency Contract
Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]
Original Position
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
Palermo Convention
Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]
Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]
The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]
Police Power Criteria
Analysis of the New Approach to International Investment Law In Relation to the Public Interest of Host Government [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 231-262]
Positive Discrimination
The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]
Procedural Unity Vote Number 792
Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]
Professional System
Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]
Analysis of the New Approach to International Investment Law In Relation to the Public Interest of Host Government [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 231-262]
Public Managers
Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]
Public Notary
Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]
Qualification of nominees
Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]
Ratione Temporis
Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]
Registration Law
Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]
Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]
Res Judicata
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
Revision request
Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]
The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]
Right to be elected
Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]
The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]
Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]
Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]
SOFA Agreement
The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]
The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]
Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]
Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]
State of emergency
A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]
A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
Taxpayers’ Rights
The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]
The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]
The Chicago Convention
A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]
The investigation Commission deal with Groundwater
Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]
The right to elect
Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]
The right to health
Challenges to the Health of Immigrant Women in the Light of International Human Rights with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 143-180]
The Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs
Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]
Third Party Investment
Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]
The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]
Investigating the impact of the mechanism of creating a Trans Governmental network in the international community [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 311-335]
UN Charter
The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]
Unilateral act of states
The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]
The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]
Veil of Ignorance
Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]
World Bank
The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]