International Law
Vahid Salehi; Mohammad Hashemi; Seyed Ghasem Zamani
IntroductionThe present article deals with the study and review of the theoretical foundations and practical practice of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda courts in dealing with the concept of legal security. Since security, as a situation that brings forth mental ...
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IntroductionThe present article deals with the study and review of the theoretical foundations and practical practice of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda courts in dealing with the concept of legal security. Since security, as a situation that brings forth mental and intellectual peace of a person, has legal effects on social relations, it has been attended to by the legal, legislative, and judicial systems of the countries since a long time ago, and the mechanisms for its establishment have been set out to guarantee the fundamental rights of people. The destruction of domestic governmental and non-governmental organizations, especially the judicial system in the two mentioned territories (the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), highlights the domestic inability of these countries to establish transitional justice and national reconciliation between the militant groups and the survivors and victims of international crimes. These courts were created as a part of the global strategy to end violence and prevent its reoccurrence, establish justice in the mentioned territories, and establish international peace and security. therefore, by anticipating the most important aspects of the protection and guarantee of the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals (including the accused, suspects, convicts, victims, and witnesses), the goal of legal security has been made possible to reach.The main question of the article is, what impact have the mentioned courts had on the establishment of the principle of legal security in the international arena and the relevant countries? Literature ReviewAlthough many books, treatises, dissertations, and articles have been authored on each of the topics of this research on both the domestic and international stage, the research method of this essay that considers the function of these two international criminal courts in the creation of this principle is unprecedented. Therefore, the following article is new research. finding a solid and meaningful link between the objective criteria of the principle of legal security and the decisions and opinions of the courts in their judicial proceedings is the main innovation of the present research. The purpose of this research is to show the practical approach of the mentioned international criminal courts towards legal security. Methodologythis research is both an "applied research" and a "fundamental" one in terms of its purpose, results, and use. The research method is "descriptive and analytical" in terms of the nature of the subject and the method of analysis. The data collection has been through library research, i.e., reference to academic and personal libraries, legal research centers, and accessing books, articles, theses, magazines, academic theses, and websites.Accordingly, We Will Discuss the Following The Concept of Security in the Domestic and International ArenaIn general, security is a situation where a kind of reasonable and proportionate link is between the demands and the possessions of the actors in a political and legal community which ultimately leads to the satisfaction of those actors. The concept of legal security has entered the international arena from the domestic laws of the countries, and various forms of human security have been met with the approval of the most important international documents (such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). Sub-principles Resulting from the Legal SecurityAlthough in terms of the diversity of the legal, political, economic, social ,and cultural concepts and trends, it is not possible to present afixed ratio and connection between the protection of citizenship rights and legal security, in general, there are legal regulations and legal criteria in the legal system of countries which are not only secondary to the principle of legal security but are also its constituent elements, and in terms of importance in the legal literature, they are interpreted as "principles". What is meant by the sub-principles arising from the principle of legal security is these rules and criteria which can be categorized into the two forms of principles that guarantee the quality of laws (such as the principles of transparency and ease of access to laws) and the principles that guarantee the legal status of individuals (the principles of predictability of laws and the presumption of innocence). The first group is the principles that protect the rights of citizens, And the second group protects the legal security of the citizens against the government’s power and are actually the supporters of fundamental individual freedoms. The stronger the mechanisms of safeguarding individuals’ fundamental rights, the stronger and more stable their security against the government is. The practice of the International Criminal Courts of the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in facing the said principles is:1-3. The principles that guarantee the quality of the lawsThese are the principles that contain the components of the laws in expressing the rights and duties of persons. The significant feature of these principles is that not only must laws be clear and understandable to individuals, courts, and states, but they also must be easily accessible. Transparency of the laws and ease of access to them are among the most important principles that guarantee the quality of laws. Not only the compliance of the laws, regulations, statutes, and procedures of the two Criminal Courts to the international standards and human rights has added to the richness of their quality, but also the practical practice of the said courts in removing the ambiguity and clarifying the laws and also facilitating access of users and actors to the rules and regulations has established and increased legal security.2-3. The Principles that Support the Legal Status of PeopleThese principles are related to the stage of applying laws and regulations. The main function of the aforementioned principles is to maintain the status created for individuals by the legal norms. The principle of predictability of laws is one of the most important of these principles, which are set out in the statutes, rules of procedure, and evidence of specific criminal courts and have manifested in the practice of those courts.4. ConclusionIn hearing and deciding important cases such as; Tadić, Ekaiso, Hasanović, Blaskić, Simić, Selbići and Delalić, Erdemović, Kernojlač, Milosevic and Berdjanin, The mentioned International Criminal Tribunals have set the ground for the establishment and promotion of legal security at both the domestic level of these countries and in the international arena by clarifying and removing the ambiguity from the laws and regulations, promoting the principle of ease of access = to laws, employing the presumption of innocence principle, observing the international human rights and resorting to customary international norms regarding the extension of laws to former criminal behaviors, and by compliance with the principle of predictability of laws (despite the legal and judicial challenges in this field), while preventing the impunity of the perpetrators of international crimes under their jurisdiction.Keywords: Legal Security, International Criminal Tribunals, Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Innocence, Ease of Access to Laws.
Public Law
Mojtaba Ghasemi; Hasan Johari
Pension funds play a crucial role in Iran by providing retirement provisions through paying pension benefits to retirees and their eligible survivors. However, the pension funds currently experience a critical situation due to a significant disparity between their financial resources ...
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Pension funds play a crucial role in Iran by providing retirement provisions through paying pension benefits to retirees and their eligible survivors. However, the pension funds currently experience a critical situation due to a significant disparity between their financial resources and pension liabilities. This crisis stems from several factors, including the generosity of pension programs (in terms of retirement age and conditions and scope of support for survivors), demographic changes, and increased life expectancy leading to more pensioners and fewer contributors. Additionally, the challenges such as low returns on investment; transference of loss-making enterprises to the funds in order to settle government debts; and structural, governance, and management issues have exacerbated the situation.
In fact, the primary factor contributing to the current crisis is the inefficiency of laws and regulations governing the Social Security Organization (SSO) and the Civil Servant Pension Fund (CSPF). The existing regulations on the governance of pension funds have changed the government’s role from regulator and guarantor to an intervening party. Consequently, most fund managers are appointed by the government, which sidelines beneficiaries and stakeholders from the governance process. Such a governmental structure, coupled with the lack of stakeholder involvement, exacerbates the problem of representation arising from the separation of ownership and management. This issue manifests itself not only in the traditional form but also in the political form.
To address the problem of representation in pension funds requires supervision and increased stakeholder participation in fund management in order to enhance transparency, accountability, and managerial accountability. Therefore, it is crucial to revise laws and regulations to empower stakeholders’ role in the administration of pension funds. In this respect, the present study aimed to analyze the deficiencies in the laws and regulations on the governance and management of pension funds in Iran through the lens of corporate governance principles and mechanisms.
Literature Review
The regulations on the governance and management of pension funds play a crucial role in their performance. Establishing procedures and processes that promote good governance in pension funds can significantly contribute to the prevention and resolution of the current crisis. In this respect, corporate governance and its principles and mechanisms can serve as a vital tool for assessing the governance and management of pension funds. Pension funds in Iran, particularly SSO and CSPF, lack indicators of good governance in line with the corporate governance principles. The stakeholder involvement in company management, a fundamental right contributing to the mitigation of representation problems, is largely absent from the governance structure of Iran’s pension funds. Moreover, there are no legal requirements mandating transparency and reporting of the performance of pension fund managers. Additionally, the failure to recognize managers’ legal responsibility for their decisions, often influenced by their political affiliations, exacerbates the lack of accountability on the part of managers.
Materials and Methods
The present study used a descriptive–analytical method to address the research questions.
Considering the corporate governance mechanisms, Iranian pension funds (esp. SSO and CSPF) lack optimal conditions. The independence of the board of directors, a crucial aspect of corporate governance aimed at achieving its goals and principles, is fundamentally absent in Iranian pension funds. Moreover, the supervisory structure of pension funds fails to consider tripartism and the role of stakeholders. In addition, the absence of independent audit and actuarial committees within the supervisory framework severely undermines its effectiveness.
The Audit Organization is tasked with auditing pension funds as per Paragraph (d) of Article (17) of Act on Structure of Welfare and Social Security Comprehensive System. However, the Audit Organization lacks the necessary independence and impartiality due to its governmental affiliation. Furthermore, the absence of official actuarial mechanisms to calculate the resources and liabilities of the funds, their exclusion from the establishment of rules and regulations related to fund liabilities, and the lack of public disclosure of report results to stakeholders and beneficiaries all have contributed to increased pension liabilities and financial instability of Iranian pension funds.
Public Law
Seyed Shahabeddin Mostafavinejad; Kheirollah Parvin
Corruption is the use of public interest for personal gain. One of the most important ways to deal with corruption is to consider the principle of transparency as one of the main pillars of good governance.Transparency makes all actions and activities visible and closes the ways for violations and the ...
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Corruption is the use of public interest for personal gain. One of the most important ways to deal with corruption is to consider the principle of transparency as one of the main pillars of good governance.Transparency makes all actions and activities visible and closes the ways for violations and the spread of corruption. The question is whether transparency in the Iranian legal system is achievable or not? In this research, through descriptive and analytical methods and use of library resources while considering the legal norms of Iran were used in order to achieve transparency and despite some shortcomings, there are sufficient resources from upstream documents to ordinary laws, and what can be stated as a challenge and a barrier to transparency is the non-compliance of laws and lack of proper supervision by executive bodies. It is relevant. To solve this problem, all executive bodies must take steps towards transparency while paying attention to the existing laws. In this regard, consolidation of employment laws and regulations based on meritocracy, strengthening transparency laws along with eliminating their shortcomings and paying attention to general policies of the government is necessary for transparency and elimination of corruption.
Mohammad Javad Javid; Esmat Shahmoradi
Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, , Pages 9-33
The principle of tangible justice requires legal proceedings to enjoy sufficient level of transparency. The principle is viewed as underlying a key human right as a general presumption that there is to be judicial openness as a firm rule, with secret or obscured proceedings to be considered exceptional, ...
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The principle of tangible justice requires legal proceedings to enjoy sufficient level of transparency. The principle is viewed as underlying a key human right as a general presumption that there is to be judicial openness as a firm rule, with secret or obscured proceedings to be considered exceptional, requiring justifiable grounds. The present paper investigates the human rights role of media in the judicial system and examines both the challenges and the benefits of such mechanism in Iranian courts of law. The paper begins with an overview of the concept of judicial corruption and explores the Iranian laws as to discuss the applicability of media in the judicial system of Iran. Making reference to the role of media in Iran’s recent lawmaking developments including penal procedural law 2013 and the penal code of 2013, It concludes with proposing a number of recommendations on the subject