Document Type : Research Paper



Iran’s telecommunication regulatory body may well serve to frame and
implement an executive legal framework to govern the activities and relations of
public and private sector in a sense that suitable grounds for smooth activities of
private sector is put in to place and the requisites for privatization , liberalization
and a fair competition in its various sectors are duly attained .Telecommunication
sector in Iran is one of the leading markets for it enjoys a specialized regulatory
body. Given its important position, the said regulatory body should enjoy such
efficiency in a sense that competitiveness may be maximized in the said market.
International Telecommunication Union has set forth principles, norms and
objectives for such regulatory bodies. The said norms and principles require the
regulatory body to be well-balanced and stable, to stay sufficiently trained, to
maintain optimum level of authority and to be prompt, impartial, independent and
transparent. This paper seeks to investigate the current status and the
organization of the said body with reference to the said norms, criteria and
principles set forth by ITU as to work out the advantages and the pitfalls and to
propose solutions for challenges faced in advancing and improving
competitiveness in telecommunication market in Iran

الف) فارسی
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ج) پایگاههای اینترنتی
- ( (سایت رسمی اتحادیه جهانی مخابرات
- ( (سایت رسمی سازمان تنظیم مقررات ارتباطات انگلستان
- ( (سایت رسمی کمیسیون ارتباطات فدرال آمریکا