نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار حقوق عمومی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران


از «جماعت» به «جامعه» تبدیل شدن به حس جمعی و وحدت منافع و ملاتی نیاز دارد که آجرهای ساختمان آحاد ملت ایران را به هم پیوند دهد، زیرا «جامعه» خصلت پویندگی و مستمراً نو به نوشوندگی دارد که اگر دائماً در راستای قوام روح مشترک آن، تولید معنا و بازتولید مشروعیت نشود، هرچند «بقا» دارد اما «حیات» نداشته و با گسیختگی و انشقاق مواجه خواهد شد؛ از این‍روی این مقاله می‌کوشد مفهوم «جامعه هم‍سود» را به ‍مثابه ضرورتی اجتناب‍ناپذیر برای حفظ اتحاد اجتماعی ایرانیان تبیین نماید. این مقاله را می‍توان ذیل مطالعات میان‍ رشته ای حقوق و جامعه شناسی دسته بندی کرد، زیرا رویکرد جامعه شناسانه به حقوق، «اعتباریات» را به «واقعیات» پیوند می‍دهد. از نظر شیوه گردآوری داده ها، کتابخانه ای و از حیث روش تحقیق تبیینی- تجویزی است. بر بنیاد نتایج این نوشتار، مهم‍ترین ویژگی جامعه هم‍سود در قبال شهروندان، ایجاد احساس تعلق و عضویت آنان در جامعه و شاخص‍ترین اقتضای حقوقی حکومت ناظر بر آن، ظرفیت و توانایی حل مسأله است، زیرا چنانچه در یک جامعه متکثر ارزشی به تحمیل نظام مند یک نظام ارزشی اصرار کنیم، با ایجاد دوگانه های متعدد به تولید تضادهای اجتماعی می رسیم و هر روز پیامی به جامعه مخابره می‍ شود که دلالت بر ورشکستگی دولت و در نتیجه، بی‍ کفایتی و ناکارآمدی آن دارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Legal Requirements of Governance in a Co-benefit Society: A Case Study of Modern Iran

نویسنده [English]

  • Mahdi Mahdavizahed

Assistant Professor, Public Law, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Changing from "People" to "society" requires a unity of interests and a nation that connects the building blocks of the Iranian people. The present paper concerns the relationship between social changes and public law. The sociological approach to law by deepening the social roots of laws, links "theories" to "facts". Therefore, this article can be classified under interdisciplinary studies of law and sociology. This study goes beyond the traditional classification of public law in the areas of constitutional law, administrative law, financial law, and labor law and can be categorized under the field of  socio-legal Studies.
The purpose of the paper is to show how the sociology of law affects the theory of state, as a multidisciplinary field of study.
Design, Methodology, and Approach
This article is a library-oriented study in terms of the method of data collection, and descriptive-explanatory-prescriptive in terms of research method.
The method of data collection in this research is library research, and the data obtained has been studied through descriptive and explanatory methods with an interdisciplinary approach. Interdisciplinary studies are currently a hot topic in legal academia and we must differentiate between the four types in which the sociological approach to law has been classified as disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary studies. In the author’s view, public law and sociology are strongly interconnected but we can speak about the possibility of the sociology of law being multidisciplinary. 
In our paper, we illustrate that different methods can be used in the research of law and legal concepts, and how the methodology of controversial issues and debates in sociology is relevant to the study of law.
Therefore, the article can be classified under interdisciplinary studies of law and communication.
Based on the results of this article, the most important characteristic of a co-benefit society for citizens is that a sense of belonging and membership in the society is created and the main legal advantage of a government overseeing it is in its capacity and ability to solve problems. we must first appreciate that law does not generally influence individual behavior in a vacuum, devoid of social context. Instead, how people interact with the law is usually shown in their social life. Evidence from different studies demonstrates that, if we insist on the systematic imposition of values in a diverse society, we create dualities, numerous conflicts, and contradictions, and we will produce many social problems. Consequently, we will send a message to society which indicates the incompetence and inefficiency of the government. In fact, the value of the government is in its ability to efficiently manage conflicts that result from contrasting moral plans.
The understanding of the state and theories of state should be firmly grounded in their social context. The state, being an artificial construct, has emerged from a complex interplay of diverse attitudes, beliefs, and values held by individuals. By recognizing the state as a product of human society, we can unveil a profound connection between its "man-made nature" and the underlying "theory of state."
Against this background, in this article, I will try to use a socio-legal approach to explain “Pluralistic Society” as the social context of the formation of the democratic state. The use of the sociology of law is because it describes social changes and explains relationships with legal structures, norms, and mechanisms in the search of achieving utopia.
this study finds that changes in social values and attitudes inevitably lead to irreversible plurality which is just the situation in the Contemporary Iran. Iran is so diverse in different aspects, meaning that, it has a society that gives different answers to similar questions. The desirable reaction to this cultural diversity should be tolerance and respect for different values because the changes in “citizens' beliefs” form sociocultural forces that shape democracy. Just as many social evolutions in Iran after the Islamic Revolution have arisen from changes in the social forces shaped by the public opinion. Therefore, as long as social changes gravitate toward diversity, we can hope that the best is yet to come.
Originality and Value
This article has reviewed some of the empirical and theoretical research on social norms and law and is one of the first attempts to address the role of social change in the formation of law in contemporary Iran. it has tried to provide a basic understanding as it examines the interplay between social norms and the enforcement of laws.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Co-benefits Society
  • Multi-valued Society
  • Mass Society
  • Sociology of Law
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • کتاب­ها

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