Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor public international law, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 faculty of law and political science, Tehran university, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Recently, water have become important for the economy and population; therefore, managing of these resources and preserving the environment requires multilateral approaches from states and other international actors. This situation is more complicated when a water source is shared between several states; because the amount of water resources is limited and should be distributed fairly among neighboring states. Because of the optimal management and exploitation of water resources, environment preservation and hydropower development, Germany has been the focus of attention in domestic and cross-border dimensions. The main question is “what is the approach in the German legal documents and practical procedure to deal with the conflicts raised in the field of shared water allocation?” Its solutions can be used in other states to solve the problem of how to distribute shared water between opposite and neighboring states. The solutions are found in the legal documents and its practical procedure, which through analyzing them in an analytical method, the principles of reasonable and fair use, assessment of potential, actual and future needs of states and prevention of damage reserves along with cooperation between states are presented. The maximum amount of service to the whole human society has been inferred.


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