Document Type : Research Paper
Associate Prof, Department of Law, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
The democratization of administration is similar to the concepts of organizational democracy and workplace democracy. It is a democratic political system requirement and an example of the right to public participation (rticle 21 of the UDHR). The purpose of the research is to implement direct democracy in administration or explain the elements of democratic administration. The approach employed is descriptive and analytical. It involves a description of the elements of direct democracy and the administrative prerequisites. Subsequently, it delves into an analysis of their interplay. Components of direct democracy are legal equality, pluralism, public participation and monitoring, promotion and protection of human rights, consensus orientation, arranging general assembly, and the rule of law. The elements of democratic administration are the creation of an inclusive employees' assembly, decision-making by consensus, strengthening employees' belief in the necessity of participation, and creating the regulations in the assembly by observing the higher legal rules. The last one refers to respecting the status of representative democracy. However, these elements require changes in the administration and obviously cannot be combined with a hierarchical structure, or at least hierarchy plus direct democracy in administration leads to the practice of democracy instead of democratic life with excessive bureaucracy.
- Administrative Democracy
- Administrative Hierarchy
- Democratic Life
- Inclusive Assembly
- Organizational Democracy
Main Subjects