Document Type : Research Paper
1 Iranian Central Bar Association
2 Professor, Public International Law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
The right to life is the first human right that forms the central core of the human rights system.In order to protect this right, governments are obliged to respect and protect the right to life and provide provisions for the people under their jurisdiction.There is an inseparable link between health and human life. It exists and benefiting from physical and mental health is a necessary prelude to preserving life and human dignity. But today, humanity is facing phenomena and crises such as emerging infectious diseases El Nino, water shortage, global warming which have seriously threatened the health and peace of the body and jeopardized the international peace and security and the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulations. International law and the performance of governments in the face of such global crises have been questioned and have led to the revelation of the shortcomings of the international law system in the field of preventing and dealing with infectious diseases such as Covid19 Although various international documents have addressed the issue of international obligations of governments and the world community in this field the findings of the present study show that the anticipated obligations were not very efficient and effective and require
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