Document Type : Research Paper


1 LLM, Human Rights, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Public International Law, Allameh Tabatabai University. Tehran, Iran


Today, despite the ever-increasing advancement of technologies and applications, the field of biometric data processing is constantly evolving. Meanwhile, the recognition of the right to privacy in connection with the processing of biometric data is an important aspect of the issue of data protection and human rights. Therefore, the main question of the article is what effects does the use of biometric data, which sometimes goes beyond the purpose of authentication or identification, have on people's private lives? And secondly, in a situation where Iranian law does not explicitly address biometric data; What measures can be considered? The findings of the research show that, due to the special and very sensitive nature of biometric data, the need for strong laws to protect the private life framework of people is felt more than ever. Balancing the need for public safety and privacy rights is a complex challenge. It will also be very important to establish clear legal frameworks, regulatory mechanisms and accountability measures to ensure the legal and responsible use of biometric data.


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