Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of law and political science, allameh tabatabii university

2 phd student in international law, faculty of law and political science, allameh tabatabaii university


Corruption must be considered as One of Most Important Obstacles for Realization of Some Aspect of the Human Rights in the Modern Societies, Especially Right to Development.
Concentration of Public Power and Wealth in Hand of a Few People, lack of  accountable in Front of Public and Lack of Transparency in Activities of Governors are between Most Important Roots of Corruption. So, Prevention of such a Concentration, Ability to Interpellation of Governors by Citizens and Transparency in activities of These People could Have Very Positive Effect on Fight against Corruption. But Providing the Mentioned Situations Rely Heavily on Realization of Public Participation in Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Affairs of Their Society and Its Tools such as Right to Elect and to be Elected, Powerful Civil Society and Free Access to Information. However, Public Participation is an Ultimate Goal of Internal Self-determination, Which Means Ability of Every Person to Participate in Decision Making in Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Affairs of his/her Society. Therefore, Internal Self-determination Became an Effective Approach for Fight against Corruption and Elimination of Its Substances and as a Result, as a Facilitator for access to Human Rights, Especially Right to Development


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