Document Type : Research Paper


1 The State Organization of Registration of Documents and Property of the Country - the Head of the Department of Nodes and Officers of the entire country

2 professor of beheshti university

3 UT

4 Associate prof.Public and International law Department,Faculty of Law and Political Sciences,University of Tehran


Right of access to information is one of the fundamental principles of democratic governments and the most important example of the first generation of human rights that guarantees the citizenship rights. The human rights, as the basic rights, are a fundamental obligation and commitment the legitimacy of which isnot subject to stipulation in the constitution. However, the citizenship rights can only be realized under the prescriptive duty that an obligation exists along with any right for the citizen. With the rapid expansion of social networks, identifying and guaranteeing the right has become one of the most important examples of the realization of citizenship rights in the legal system of Iran. Despite the adoption of the law on freedom of publication and access to information adopted in 2009, no specific executive guarantee has been contemplated. Weaknesses such as ambiguity and shortcomings in definitions and concepts, lack of the formation of a commission under article 18 of the mentioned law are factors of non-fulfillment of the right. The main question is what are the principles governing the regulation of the Iranian legal system in the area of ​​the right of access to information and how do they affect the realization of citizenship rights? The main hypothesis is that knowledge about the capacity of the Iranian legal system in the area of ​​the right of access to information can be effective on citizenship rights.


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