Document Type : Research Paper


phd candidate


Public policy-making is considered as the most important manifestation of government’s ruling, exertion of authority and arrangement of public
affairs based on the “rule of law”. Public policy-making cycle, from think tank and policy-making to assessment and supervision is formed in relation to basic/fundamental rights and therefore, under the influence of the legal and political system, its position and function would be different. In the Iranian legal system, the concept of “general policies of the system” has legal and political affinity/relationship with public policy-making. However, as the result of the existing legal vacuum, its position and function is questionable and accordingly strategies and solutions implied in the process of public policy-making cannot be utilized in assessment and supervision of general policies of the system. Hence, in order to utilize the capacity and capability of “public policy-making” within “general policies” concept in the structure of basic/fundamental rights system in Iran, this legal establishment shall be placed in the procedure of Constitutionalisation in two different but coordinated courses by separating minor and major departments. Therefore in the process of localization, this concept is redefined based on Iranian legal system.


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