Document Type : Research Paper


Legal Consultant of National Iranian Oil Company


In evaluating some theories of public law, the observation about the link between those theories and ideology is more often made in a critical spirit, in order to impugn the mentioned public law theories. The question posed in this article is how to define “ideological theories of public law”. This involves three fundamental steps. First, defining the concept of ideology; second, the exposition of the theory of public law; and third, answering to the questions of the consequences of ideologicization of mentioned theories.
In order to establish a legal definition of ideology as used in the current essay, and in the absence of a unified definition of this concept amongst scholars, initially general and specific notions regarding the concept of ideology have been outlined. Subsequently, from these outlined definitions, focus has been on those that are closely related to public law theories. Consequently, an exposition has been given into how a theory of public law becomes ideological at four different levels of origination point; approach; content; and function. Finally, the question of “how the ideologicization of public law theories adversely affects these theories” has been answered.


الف فارسی
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