Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D, Public International Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The One of the main issues in the legal regimes is the intentional revocation of any kind of obligations. This revocation means that obligant party terminates its duty merely at the request of that party.  Because this subject concerns with the rule of law, it should be necessary to exist proper rules in this context. However, there are significant ambiguities in the legality and conditions of intentional termination of obligations that arises from unilateral acts of states. The case law and states practice in this context are rarely and sporadic and the doctrine is also extremely contradictory. Since, the unilateral acts of states have gained prominent status in regime of regularization in international law in modern area, so the legality of intentional termination of these acts is important subject. This article seeks to answer the important question of whether a state can terminate its unilateral act of its own will. It seems the states can terminate their unilateral acts, with some conditions and exceptions.


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