Document Type : Research Paper



One of the most controversial issues about transnational corporations is their
environmental performance, sometimes leading to irreparable damages. This
issue has been the concern for many developing countries, as the capital
importing countries, and the developed world as well. Transnational
corporations' environmental violations raise questions as to their probable
Human rights and environmental obligations, if any. A great challenge for
imposing binding obligations on these non-state actors is their legal character, let
alone their extraordinary power and reluctance. Hence, most of the norms and
principles in this context are considered to be part of soft law. Meanwhile,
international environmental law, as one of the branches of international law, has
some emerging standards. In this study we have examined the most prominent
international environmental standards and guidelines, which can be followed by
corporations for a sound environmental performance. However, it is expected that
these emerging standards will change to hard law.


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