Document Type : Research Paper



Principles of international environmental law have been entered into international
environmental law corpus by case law and international peaceful relations. In
international relations, due to different international issues, disputes are
commonplace. Today, the international disputes on the rise are the environmental
ones, which threat human life and therefore the environment is backed by criminal
guarantees in some cases. The scope of international issues in the international
environmental area suffers from gaps. So, by referring the disputes to these tribunals,
whose decisions are legally binding, one may believe that in addition to settling
disputes peacefully, they have played a complementary and declaratorydevelopmental
role in identifying important environmental principles in international
relations. Among the very important principles of international environmental
disputes are the principles of non-harmful use of land, precaution, sustainable
development and etc. which, in the form of customary law, play an important role in
regulating the relations and preventing the armed conflicts. Perhaps, if countries did
not refer to international authorities for settling their disputes, there would not exist
any applicable principle in international environmental law. In this article, we will
examine and declare these principles by international legal decisions, and recognize
the unique position of referring to legal means of settlement of international disputes.


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