Document Type : Research Paper



There is a history behind the strike as a collective protesting act against
unpleased conditions of working. This phenomenon is derived from the
inequality of the contract of work’s parties and lack of appropriate mechanisms
for solving the disputes; both Employers and governments would prohibit and
quell this social phenomenon. It is just less than a century that this “right” has
been legally recognized. However, some systems has not recognized strike yet as
a right; they have considered it as an act having some legal immunities which
might led to responsibility in some situations. Nevertheless, legal systems have
not had the same approach toward strike and legal regime of its recognition,
conditions, procedure of implying and its restrictions. Regarding the differences
in political, economic, social and legal systems in different states, this sort of
varieties might be regarded totally normal. Accordingly, France and Britain as
representatives of maximum and minimum approaches have had different
stances toward this phenomenon. Understanding of these differences would have
effective results for the systems such as Iran that are in period of recognizing
and regulating this right


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