Document Type : Research Paper



International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights draws the content of international obligations of states parties to the Covenant in article 2. The Covenant obliges states parties to enter into international cooperation and assistance for the full realization of the highest attainable standards of the rights enshrined in the Covenant. Obligation to provide international assistance indicates the extraterritorial aspects of the Covenant. International Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights confirms the extraterritorial applicability of obligations resulted from the Covenant. Committee considers that states parties to the Covenant are under an obligation to enforce their obligations not only within their territory, but also within territories which they have effective control over them. Committee recognizes that some states may be faced with lack of resources and, therefore, unable to meet their international obligations under ICESCR. If a state party has enough resources but is unwilling to provide international economic and technical assistance to poorer states, its international responsibility can be alleged because of breach of its legal obligations.


الف) فارسی
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