Document Type : Research Paper


The concept of power has always been controversial and disputed between
political thinkers and philosophers. Modern paradigm of power has taken shape
around the idea of Hobbes where power is based on the concept of sovereignty
and understanding in relation to the government. This concept of power has
been persisted in the views of other scientists in this field. In postmodernism,
new paradigm of this concept was developed by Foucault's ideas about power.
From this perspective, power is not concentrated in the hands of the government
but is plural in society and does not operate negatively, instead it has a positive,
productive, and ultimately shapes the identity of human subjects. Two issues of
power and public order are related in modern legal and political thought and
their connection in the relationship between State and society can be understood
clearly. In the postmodern condition, perception and understanding of society
and government has changed and work order in such a society, unity and
equality in a nation-State is not monolithic, but rather post-modern social order
is based on the principle of difference and specificity of individuals and groups.
The present paper after the introduction of postmodernism has tried in light of it
to explain the concept of power and public order which are the foundations of
public law.


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