Volume 26 (2024- 2025)
Volume 25 (2023-2024)
Volume 24 (2022-2023)
Volume 23 (2020-2021)
Volume 22 (2019-2020)
Volume 21 (2018-2019)
Volume 20 (2017-2018)
Volume 18 (2016)
Volume 17 (2015)
Volume 16 (2014)
Volume 15 (2014)
Volume 14 (2013)
Volume 13 (2012)
Volume 12 (2010)
Volume 11 (2009)
Volume 10 (2008)
Volume 9 (2007)
Volume 8 (2006)
Volume 7 (2005)
Volume 6 (2004)
Volume 5 (2003)
Volume 3 (2002)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (1999)
Volume 4 (1381)
Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts

Valiollah Noori; Seyed Ghasem Zamani

Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 9-27


  In the past, most armed conflicts were international, but today armed conflicts often are non-international and internal conflicts. However most of international armed conflicts rules are about international armed conflicts and some of them regulate non-international conflicts. Applicability of some ...  Read More

Precautionary and Contributory Protection of Passenger’s Rights in Case of Airline’s Bankruptcy
Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 29-55


  Delay or cancellation of flights due to airline’s bankruptcy will impose some damages on passengers such as the financial burden of purchasing a ticket usually more expensive than the first one, accommodation fees, carfares and other related expenses. In different countries, as well as the european ...  Read More

The place of precedent and legislation as sources of law in legal doctrine
Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 57-81


  This paper explains the status of jurisprudence and legislation as the main sources of law in common law and written law traditions. It is argued that lawyers’ attitude toward aforementioned sources within both traditions has changed during recent decades. Indeed, plurality of the legal sources ...  Read More

The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State
Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 81-112


  Hallaq’s answer to one of the most controversial questions is simple and categorical: the Islamic State, judged by any standard definition of what the modern State represents, is both impossible and contradictory in terms. Hallaq’s preference of the Hobbesian-Schmittian reading of modern ...  Read More

The Right to Be Forgotten Evaluated: A Necessity Caused by Virtual World or a Threat to the Freedom of Expression!?
Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 113-135


  The right to be forgotten is a relatively recent concept raised in the European Union and the United States. This right authorizes people to require deletion of information and data published on internet with their consent or by third parties; if a person applies this right, the others may not follow ...  Read More

The Relationship between Subsequent Custom and Treaty within the Framework of Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court

Hajar Raee Dehghi

Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 137-163


  The treaty as an International document has a close connection with the custom. Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court referred to the possibility of coexistence between the custom and treaty. This question arises that whether the International Criminal Court is obliged to follow ...  Read More

The New Generation of International Agreements: JCPOA

Mojtaba Nazif; Alireza Zaheri

Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 165-192


  The analysis of JCPOA from an international point of view suggests that it would remain an imprecise as well as a misleading question whether JCPOA is considered to be a political agreement or a treaty. This question is generally posed because it applies a domestic approach on international agreements. ...  Read More

The Study of Regulatory Agencies on Electricity Market in the Law of Iran and the United States of America
Volume 19, Issue 58 , June 2018, Pages 193-220


  Iran's electricity market is passing its second decade of activity and achieving the goals of this market depends on the existence of a process called "competition" to provide suitable structures for economic growth and development. Achieving this, requires an ordered and legal organization which formulates ...  Read More