Volume 26 (2024- 2025)
Volume 25 (2023-2024)
Volume 24 (2022-2023)
Volume 23 (2020-2021)
Volume 22 (2019-2020)
Volume 21 (2018-2019)
Volume 20 (2017-2018)
Volume 18 (2016)
Volume 17 (2015)
Volume 16 (2014)
Volume 15 (2014)
Volume 14 (2013)
Volume 13 (2012)
Volume 12 (2010)
Volume 11 (2009)
Volume 10 (2008)
Volume 9 (2007)
Volume 8 (2006)
Volume 7 (2005)
Volume 6 (2004)
Volume 5 (2003)
Volume 3 (2002)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (1999)
Volume 4 (1381)
Legal Challenges Facing Mobile Number Portability Technology and Government Supervision: With Emphasis on Ratifications 189 and 232 of Communications Regulatory Commission
Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 9-28


    The development of technologies associated to mobile, and, also increase of customers’ demands to take advantage from the foresaid technologies have led to new technologies on mobile. One of the most considerable technologies is to transfer the mobile operator, without any number portability. ...  Read More

Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal

Abbas Toosi

Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 29-59


  Social Security Organization (SSO) is regarded as one of the most important social and economic institutions for its effective role in protection of labor. In the past decades, it was keeping balance between SSO’s incomes and costs that constituted the main concern of the SSO officials. The problem ...  Read More

Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights

seyed ghasem zamani

Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 61-82


  Religious freedom is one of the most fundamental human rights which has been embodied and recognized in essential universal and regional human rights instruments, including universal declaration on human rights, international convent on civil and political rights, European convention on human rights, ...  Read More

TThe New Model of Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and the Problem of Technology Transfer in Oil Industry
Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 83-107


  In this Article, two subjects were examined: the legality of involving a joint operating venture in the exploitation operations in the oil sector and; the type of technology required for the transfer and its beneficiary. Upon examination, we found that establishment and engagement of a joint venture ...  Read More

Copyright Span Toward Governmental Information
Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 109-140


  Literary and artistic property law (copyright), in addition to the creation of exclusive right for author or owner and to prohibit others from its unauthorized use, with the conviction that this exclusive right limits public domain and in some cases, can hinder the development or cause to be ignoring ...  Read More

Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006)

Atiyeh Shah hosseini; Ali Mashhadi

Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 141-165


  Compensation of transboundary environmental damages, especially in the case of hazardous activities is one of the complex issues of international environmental law. Sometimes in spite of taking all preventive measures, some authorized and legitimate activities of States that are generally dangerous can ...  Read More

Evolution in the Internal Justice Regime of the United Nations

Seyedmohsen Hekmatimoghaddam

Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 167-193


  Managers and Decision-Makers of All Organizations should understand that they will be Responsible for their decisions. Internal Tribunals of the United Nations are statutory institutions created by the UN General Assembly in response to the need for an independent, transparent, effective, efficient judicial ...  Read More

Extension of the UN Secretary-General's Practice and Domestic Exclusive Jurisdiction in Defence of the UN Charter Art. 2 (7) after Seventy Years
Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 195-214


  According to UN Charter Article 7, one of the most important of this this World Organization is Secretariat. This Organ represents the most dynamic institution in the United Nations Structure. Since 1990s, we could observe a conflict between Secretary-General's functions and the famous "domestic jurisdiction" ...  Read More

International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations

Gholam Ali Ghasemi; mohammad saleh Taskhiri

Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 215-243


    As the international relations improved, new non-governmental entities became active and undertook certain functions. Among these entities, non-governmental organizations played important roles over the past two decades. One of the biggest barriers causing them to be inactive is the lack of international ...  Read More

Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court)
Volume 19, Issue 55 , September 2017, Pages 245-272


  Administrative hearing is one of the important new areas of proceedings. Fair administrative justice standards are divided into two categories: comprehensive general standards of fair trial and specific fair trial standards which govern the three stages of the administrative hearing (including institution ...  Read More