Volume 26 (2024- 2025)
Volume 25 (2023-2024)
Volume 24 (2022-2023)
Volume 23 (2020-2021)
Volume 22 (2019-2020)
Volume 21 (2018-2019)
Volume 20 (2017-2018)
Volume 19 (2016-2017)
Volume 18 (2016)
Volume 17 (2015)
Volume 15 (2014)
Volume 14 (2013)
Volume 13 (2012)
Volume 12 (2010)
Volume 11 (2009)
Volume 10 (2008)
Volume 9 (2007)
Volume 8 (2006)
Volume 7 (2005)
Volume 6 (2004)
Volume 5 (2003)
Volume 3 (2002)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (1999)
Volume 4 (1381)
The Role of Media in Judicial Transparency

Mohammad Javad Javid; Esmat Shahmoradi

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 9-33

  The principle of tangible justice requires legal proceedings to enjoy sufficient level of transparency. The principle is viewed as underlying a key human right as a general presumption that there is to be judicial openness as a firm rule, with secret or obscured proceedings to be considered exceptional, ...  Read More

Legal Position of Resolutions Drafted by Board of Trustees of Universities and Educational Institutions

Majid Banaei Oskooei

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 35-69


  By virtue of the authorities prescribed by various laws and regulations including the “Law of University Board of the Trustees Formation” , The “Law of Goals and the Authorities of Ministry of Science and Technology” and article 20-B of Iran’s Fourth Development Law , universities ...  Read More

The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law

Mohammad Jalali

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 71-100

  Today Decentralization, has been globally accepted as a modern approach in administration of nation –states. The conviction is that it must be governed and codified by various principles so that it may serve as guidelines both in theory and practice and to be applied by commentators, scholars and ...  Read More

Challenges and Solutions for Advancement of LawmakingProcess in Iran’s Telecommunications Industry in Light of Criteria Prescribed by International Telecommunication Union

Hoda Ghafari; Masood Rahmani

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 101-122

  Iran’s telecommunication regulatory body may well serve to frame and implement an executive legal framework to govern the activities and relations of public and private sector in a sense that suitable grounds for smooth activities of private sector is put in to place and the requisites for privatization ...  Read More

Reconsideration of the Interest of State Doctrine in the Light of Balance Theory

Mahnaz Bayat Komitaki; Mahdi Balavi

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 123-155

  "Rights" and "Public Interest" are among the key elements of political , legal , ethical and social discourse in almost any society around the world including the contemporary legal and political discourse of Iran. Meanwhile, societies inevitably have certain reciprocal tensions resulting from diversities ...  Read More

Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System

Ahmad Markaz Malmiri; Mahdi Mahdi zadeh

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 157-184

  Scattered and casual legislation is one the deficiencies inflicted on legislative system of Islamic Republic of Iran. Scattered legislation may be defined as disparate, casual and excessive legislation with almost no serious attention paid to other interrelated parts of the legal system. This may be ...  Read More

The Evolution of Government Intervention in Economyfrom the Perspective of Public Law-Welfare to Post Regulatory Governments

Arian Petoft; Ahmad Momeni Rad

Volume 17, Issue 47 , October 2015, Pages 185-204

  State intervention in the economy has always been a challengingissues in schools of economy and Law.Welfare states, bydirect intervention in economy, took over most of the affairs and caused economic crisisin the West. To curb the downfall, regulatory states emerged, which sought to flourish and facilitate ...  Read More