Volume 26 (2024- 2025)
Volume 25 (2023-2024)
Volume 24 (2022-2023)
Volume 23 (2020-2021)
Volume 22 (2019-2020)
Volume 21 (2018-2019)
Volume 20 (2017-2018)
Volume 19 (2016-2017)
Volume 18 (2016)
Volume 17 (2015)
Volume 16 (2014)
Volume 14 (2013)
Volume 13 (2012)
Volume 12 (2010)
Volume 11 (2009)
Volume 10 (2008)
Volume 9 (2007)
Volume 8 (2006)
Volume 7 (2005)
Volume 6 (2004)
Volume 5 (2003)
Volume 3 (2002)
Volume 2 (2001)
Volume 1 (1999)
Volume 4 (1381)
ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives

Ali Omidi

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 9-45

  Abstract   The ICJ Advisory Opinion (22 July 2010) through which the consistency of unilateral declaration of independence with international law was recognized , stands among the pivotal International instruments pertaining the relation between Territorial Integrity and the Right of Self Determination. ...  Read More

The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law

Ehsan Javid; Saber Niavarani

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 47-70

    "The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of mental & physical health" is defined as a fundamental right which has critical important for the realization of the other rights. Belonged to the second generation of human rights, however, the right to health is in close linkage ...  Read More

The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law

Homayoon Habibi; Soodeh Shamloo

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 71-114

  Absract In its normal practice the ICJ settles International disputes exclusively in accordance with International law and where there is an absence of law, it abstains to make new laws as to substantiate its decision. Beyond its primary function as to settle disputes between states however, the Court ...  Read More

Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage

Mohammad Habibi Majandeh; Mahdi Abdolmaleki

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 115-141

  Abstract The convention adopted in UNESCO on protection of underwater cultural heritage prescribed that the sunken state vessels and warships, whether regarded as cultural heritage or otherwise, shall remain under exclusive sovereignty of the flag state, unless it abandons and/or explicitly waives its ...  Read More

The Nature of Solidarity Rights: Collective Rights or Peoples' Right

Mohammad Ali Solhchi; Ramin Dargahi

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 143-168

  Abstract  The efforts made by human rights scholars has  led to its classification according to the notion of “generational human rights”. Such generations include; the first generation (negative rights), the second generation (positive rights) and  the third or solidarity ...  Read More

The Development of the Right to Hearing in Administrative Law of England

Ali Mohammad Falah Zadeh

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 169-206

  AbstractNowadays the Right to Hearing has become a part of procedural justice and good administration. “Hearing” in administrative law is significantly affected by the context in which it takes effect. In English administrative law the distinction between judicial and administrative decisions, ...  Read More

The Role of the Environment in the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Zahra Mahmoodi Kordi

Volume 15, Issue 41 , December 2014, Pages 169-236

  Abstract While debates on the linkage of trade and environment first initiated around 8 decades ago, it has been nearly over the past three decades during which the subject has become a topic of heated discussions between scholars of both sides. Given the major role WTO plays in regulating the International ...  Read More