نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
دانشیار گروه حقوق عمومی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه بوعلی سینا، همدان، ایران
قانون اساسی یکی از مهمترین مفاهیم در دانش حقوق است. از این مفهوم برداشتهای متعددی توسط اندیشمندان ارائه شده است. یکی از این برداشتها فهم حقوقی از قانون اساسی است که طبق آن قانون اساسی متنی است که بالاترین سند در سلسلهمراتب قوانین موجود در یک نظام حقوقی است و توسط نهاد دادرس اساسی از آن محافظت میشود. برداشت قانون اساسی سیاسی در مقام مخالفت با برداشت فوق، قانون اساسی را میدان منازعه بازیگران سیاسی میداند. این مقاله با استفاده از روش توصیفی و تحلیلی به دنبال پاسخ به این پرسش است که قانون اساسی سیاسی به چه معنایی است و از زمان پیدایش تا به امروز چه تحولاتی را گذرانده است؟ این مفهوم نخستین بار توسط جان گریفیث ارائه شد. اگرچه خطوط کلی این مفهوم توسط او مشخص گردید اما با انتقاداتی که بر این مفهوم وارد شد نسلهای بعد از گریفیث در این مفهوم تغییراتی ایجاد کردند. قانون اساسی سیاسی کمک میکند از متن قانون اساسی فراتر رفته، به واقعیت دنیای سیاسی توجه بیشتری شود و به همه بازیگران عرصه سیاسی مجال حضور داده شود.
عنوان مقاله [English]
The Emergence and Development of the Concept of the Political Constitution
نویسنده [English]
- Fardin Moradkhani
Associaet Professor, Public Law, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Bu -Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
چکیده [English]
Scholars have offered various interpretations of the constitution as one of the most important concepts in law. Understanding these perspectives can contribute to a better understanding of the constitution. One such interpretation is the legal conception, which considers the constitution as a text and the supreme document within the legal system, safeguarded by political or judicial authorities. In the legal conception, the role of the guardian of the constitution is especially significant, with the judiciary branch holding primary importance among the branches of power. In contrast, the political conception of the constitution sees it as a contested arena for political actors, aiming to unshackle it from the monopoly of judges and jurists. This perspective tends to emphasize not only the text of the constitution but also the existing reality and political climate.
Literature Review
There appears to be limited research in Persian that explores this concept in depth. However, the Persian translation of Martin Loughlin’s Public Law and Political Theory (1992) includes a brief discussion of Griffith and his association with the school of functionalism. Additionally, some relevant aspects of this discussion are covered in Law is Politics, a volume of articles compiled and translated into Persian by Habibollah Fazeli (2021).
Materials and Methods
The current study used the descriptive–analytical method to explore the meaning of the political constitution and examine the transformations it has undergone from its inception to the present day.
Results and Discussion
The study shed light on some of the foundational elements underlying the concept of the political constitution, including republicanism, conservatism, the leftist tradition, functionalism, and Dicey’s theories. It also examined why the concept first emerged in England. Given that the political constitution, like other concepts, is subject to change, the article finally explored its future trajectory and addressed criticisms. Every concept has a history and evolves over time through political, social, and economic developments—and the political constitution is no exception. This concept was first introduced by John Griffith, who argued for a strong link between politics and law, with the constitution as the focal point connecting these fields. Underscoring the significance of the political constitution in his writings, Griffith believed that political decisions should rest with political actors. According to Griffith, reducing political lawsuits to legal judgments actually shifts political decision-making from politicians to judges. Concerned with protecting the English legal system, Griffith opposed certain legal reforms proposed by some jurists, viewing them as potentially rendering the legal system meaningless. Although he outlined the main principles of the political constitution, later generations modified this conception in response to critiques. Figures like Richard Bellamy and Adam Tomkins sought to imbue the concept with a normative aspect, while later thinkers like Martin Loughlin redefined the political within the concept. The present research discussed these key developments in the concept of the political constitution, and delved into the foundational issues, such as its origin.
The political constitution encourages moving beyond the text of the constitution to consider the political reality and allow participation from all actors in the political arena. Although first introduced in England, this concept has also influenced the tradition in countries with written constitutions, prompting constitutional theorists to acknowledge factors beyond the text itself and to recognize the profound connection between law and politics. An accurate understanding of the constitution is incomplete without considering real-world political contexts. This discussion holds significant relevance for Iran’s constitutional law, which has been relatively limited theoretically. Greater engagement with constitutional law theories can expand the conception of the constitution to acknowledge new perspectives and approaches. The topics recently raised in Iran’s constitutional law (e.g., unwritten constitutional principles, constitutional procedures, and constitutional customs) need a theoretical foundation, and the concept of the political constitution provides a valuable basis for these discussions. Furthermore, exploring the connection between law and political science provides a critical theoretical framework that can support these ongoing discussions.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Law
- Politics
- Political Constitution
- Legal Constitution
- Griffith
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