• Abandonment Principle Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Absolute Rights Conflict in the Implementation of Human Rights; Challenges and Resolutions [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 257-289]

  • Absolutism The Roman Foundations of Public Law [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Abuse of Authority The Theory of Abuse of Authority in Modern Administrative Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Abuse of Process Abuse of Right and Abuse of Process in Light of the Practice of the International Court of Justice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Abuse of Right Abuse of Right and Abuse of Process in Light of the Practice of the International Court of Justice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Abuse of Rights Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]

  • Abusive practices An Evaluation of the Particular Examples of the Abuse of Dominant Position by the Use of Big Data in Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 215-250]

  • Access to Information Freedom of Expression and Idea-Expression Dichotomy [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 95-127]

  • Access to Justice The Pros and Cons of Third Party Funding in the International Investment Arbitration Regime [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 47-79]

  • Accountability Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • Accountability The Comparative Analysis of the Effective Factors on Prosecution’s Legal-Constitutional Status among the Powers [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 131-162]

  • Accountability Wind Gone: A Critique of corporate governance in the Social Security Organization and Civil Servants Pension Fund [(Articles in Press)]

  • Activation of Jurisdiction ICC Restrictions Regarding its Activation of Jurisdiction over Crime of Aggression [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 67-90]

  • Additional Protocol II (1977) Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 9-27]

  • Adjustment of Damages Relevance of the Investor's Practice and Behavior to the Adjustment of Compensation Arising out of the Breach of Investment Treaties' Standards of Protection [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 119-143]

  • Administration The Criterion to Distinguish "Worker" from "Employee" in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 217-232]

  • Administrative actions Analysis of the Principles and Issues of the Costs of Litigations in Administrative Actions: A case study of the Administrative Tribunal Court [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 220-240]

  • Administrative Authorities The Role and Functioning of the National Lands Disputes Commission from the Perspective of a Fair Trial [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 155-177]

  • Administrative Authority The Theory of Abuse of Authority in Modern Administrative Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Administrative decision the principal of exclaiming the reasons and documentation of the administrative decisions and it's effect on the jurisprudence of the court of administrative justice [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 91-115]

  • Administrative Democracy Democratizing Administration: an Opportunity to Restore Direct Democracy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Administrative Hierarchy Democratizing Administration: an Opportunity to Restore Direct Democracy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Administrative Justice Act Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 245-272]

  • Administrative Justice Court The Competent Authorities for Addressing the Recruitment Complaints in the Iranian Legal System; Ambiguities and Solutions [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 27-46]

  • Administrative Justice Court Obligation to Express Causes of Law in Islamic Voiding of Regulations in the Light of the Guardian Council’s Jurisprudence [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 72-93]

  • Administrative Justice Court Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]

  • Administrative Justice Court's bill A Critical Research on the Administrative Justice Court's Procedure Bill [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 121-161]

  • Administrative Justice System A Historical Analysis of the Duality of Litigation Process in Matters of Responsibility of State in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 243-265]

  • Administrative Justice Tribunal Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 29-59]

  • Administrative law Immunity from seizure of public properties in Iran; A critical and comparative Approach [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 84-108]

  • Administrative law Evaluation the Relation between Duty to Give Reasons Principle and Rule of Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 65-92]

  • Administrative law A Historical Analysis of the Duality of Litigation Process in Matters of Responsibility of State in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 243-265]

  • Administrative Tribunal Evolution in the Internal Justice Regime of the United Nations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 167-193]

  • Advisory Opinion ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]

  • Afghanistan A Qualitative Assessment of Judicial Independence in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 83-126]

  • Afghanistan The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 95-132]

  • Afghanistan Afghanistan's Obligation to Comply with Customary Rules Governing International Waterways [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 251-294]

  • Afghan Peoples Examining Afghan People's Right to Self-Determination in International Law, Emphasizing the Legal Status of the Self-proclaimed "Islamic EMARIT" Government [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 49-81]

  • A first come first served Principle Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • Agriculture Lands Challenges of Formation and Development of Legal System of Urban Agriculture [(Articles in Press)]

  • AhmadouSadio Diallo ProtectingIndividual Rights: Analyzing ICJ Judgment in the Case of Guinea Against Congo [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 31-52]

  • Airline’s Bankruptcy Precautionary and Contributory Protection of Passenger’s Rights in Case of Airline’s Bankruptcy [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 29-55]

  • Air Pollution Irregularities and Weaknesses of the Clean Air Act Compared to the Prevention of Air Pollution Act [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 141-170]

  • Airports The Role of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization in Maintaining Aviation Safety [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 69-105]

  • Alevis Alevis and the Legal System of Religious Education in Turkish Schools: the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 291-312]

  • American Troops The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]

  • Amir Kabir An analysis of the relation between reforms implemented by Amir Kabir and Sepahsalar in the judiciary system of the Nasery era [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 192-218]

  • Annexes A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]

  • Annual Budgeting The principle of annual nature of budget and perennial budgeting [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 83-108]

  • Appeal Tribunal Evolution in the Internal Justice Regime of the United Nations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 167-193]

  • Applicable law Applicable Law to International Multimodal Transport Contracts for Goods [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 155-190]

  • Applicable law The Right to Water in Investment Treaty Arbitration and Its Impact on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 331-367]

  • Appointment Confirmation process Re-analysis of the Nature of Investiture Vote in Constitutional Law of Islamic Republic of Iran In Comparasion to Appointment Confirmation process [(Articles in Press)]

  • A Priori Planning Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • A Priori Supervision Feasibility and Challenges of Prior Sharia Supervision over Regulations by Guardian Council Jurists [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 119-154]

  • Aquifers' Laws Analyzing 2008 International Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 9-33]

  • Arbitrability Arbitrability of International Tax Disputes [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 117-142]

  • Arbitral Awards The Standards for Proving Damages and Its Amount: A Comparative Study under Transnational Instruments and International Arbitration Awards [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 75-113]

  • Archaeological Activities Legal Nature of the Jurisdiction of Coastal State on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Contiguous Zone [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 119-141]

  • Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction as Common Heritage of Mankind [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 171-203]

  • Armed Conficts Targeted killing in humanitarian law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 39-76]

  • Armed groups The Legality of Courts Established by Armed Groups in the Context of NIAC with an Emphasis on the Stockholm District Court Judgment [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 34-64]

  • Armed Mission Targeted killing in humanitarian law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 39-76]

  • Article 110 of the Constitution Intentionalist Interpretation of the Supreme Leader’s Authority in Issuing Referendum: The Subject of Article 110(3) of Iran’s Constitution [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 382-406]

  • Article 170 of the Constitution Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]

  • Article 29 of the constitution code Financial monitoring on Social Security Organization [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 203-225]

  • Article 31 (3) (C) of the Convention of the Law of Treaties The Position of General Principles of Law in the Interpretation of Treaties [(Articles in Press)]

  • Article 4 of the Constitution The Limits of the Competence of the Jurists of the Guardian Council in Supervising the Application of the General Principles of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 185-214]

  • Article 64 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]

  • Article 94 Pathology of the process of guaranteeing the supremacy of the constitution over ordinary law in constitutional law system of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Article 98 of the civil service Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]

  • Article No. 219 of Tax Law The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Articles 38 and 41 Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 29-59]

  • Artificial Intelligence An In-depth Analysis of the Initial Draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Right to Environment [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 9-47]

  • Artificial Intelligence Human rights, the right to health and artificial intelligence [(Articles in Press)]

  • Assassination Targeted killing in humanitarian law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 39-76]

  • Asylum Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]

  • Attribution Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]


  • Balance Theory Reconsideration of the Interest of State Doctrine in the Light of Balance Theory [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 123-155]

  • Bank lLegal Position and Scope of the Decisions of the Council of Money and Credit [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 141-180]

  • Banking Law The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 87-105]

  • Banking Law The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 107-128]

  • Base of Rule Feasibility Study on the Process of Rulemaking as the Bases of Diverse Rules in the Globalization (Does the Base of Legal Rules Turn to Objectivity?) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 191-211]

  • Basis of International Law From Idealism to Realism; a Survey in the Basis of International Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 259-293]

  • Bayh-Dole Act Conflict Between “Institutional Ownership” and “Inventor Ownership” Systems in Publicly Funded Research [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 9-42]

  • Benefit Redefining Public Properties and Its effects in Iranian Legal system [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 65-96]

  • Betting The Legal Nature of "Match-Fixing" in International Sports Law [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 155-194]

  • Big Data An Evaluation of the Particular Examples of the Abuse of Dominant Position by the Use of Big Data in Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 215-250]

  • Bilateral Investment Treaties The International Obligations of Human Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 165-191]

  • Bilateral Investment Treaties (Bits) Rules and Regualtions Prevailing on Foreign Investment in Upstream Oil Industry Projects of Iran, with Particular Reference to the Buy-Back Facilitations Method [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 37-68]

  • Bilateral investment treaty Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Bilateral investment treaty Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]

  • Bilateral Treaties Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]

  • Binding The Binding Nature of Interim Measures Issued by Human Rights Treaty Bodies [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 227-256]

  • Biological Diversity Principles of Prohibition of Nutritional Consumption and Trade of Wild Animals under International Law: The Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus from Animals to Humans [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 167-191]

  • Biological Samples An Introduction to the Regulation of Human Biobanks by Looking at the Legal System of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 195-240]

  • Biosafety Law Legislative Obligations of Member States under Cartagena Protocol and the Extent to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has Adhered to such Commitments [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 129-148]

  • Biotechnology An Introduction to the Regulation of Human Biobanks by Looking at the Legal System of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 195-240]

  • Blue Homeland doctrine, exclusive economic zone, three-stage delimitation method, Tü Border without neighbors; Examining Türkiye’s Blue Homeland Doctrine from the Perspective of International Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • BOQs Legal Nature of the Supreme Technical Council and Critiques on Its Duties [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 205-232]

  • Bosphorus Case The Doctrine of “Equivalent Protection”: Uncertainty on the Principle of Separation in the System of International Responsibility of Organizations [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 346-373]

  • Budget Act The principle of annual nature of budget and perennial budgeting [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 83-108]

  • Budget Reform The principle of annual nature of budget and perennial budgeting [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 83-108]


  • Capacity-building State’s Compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Role of Exchange of Information in It [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 92-125]

  • Capital Adequacy The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 87-105]

  • Capital Adequacy The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 107-128]

  • Carbon Capture and Storage Environmental Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage under the Seabed [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 85-105]

  • Carriage of Goods The Carrier’s Duty of Customs Summary Declaration [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 137-169]

  • Cartagena Protocol Legislative Obligations of Member States under Cartagena Protocol and the Extent to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has Adhered to such Commitments [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 129-148]

  • Case Law The Role of European Court of Justice in the Development of EU Legal Integration [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 57-83]

  • Case Law The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]

  • Case-Law Interim Measure and its enforcement in the European Court of Human Rights case-law [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 61-85]

  • Causes of failures Causes of Failures in Codification of Laws in Iran Legal System [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 131-164]

  • Causes of law Obligation to Express Causes of Law in Islamic Voiding of Regulations in the Light of the Guardian Council’s Jurisprudence [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 72-93]

  • Causes Of Political Order Crisis New Research in Farabi's Political Thought On The basis Of Research Method Of Spragens [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 53-79]

  • Challenges and Restrictions ICC Restrictions Regarding its Activation of Jurisdiction over Crime of Aggression [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 67-90]

  • Chemical Weapons Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iraq-Iran War under the Perspective of International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 129-152]

  • Citation Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]

  • Citizenship Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 117-148]

  • Citizenship Rights the fundamental principles of the constitution law to describe the concept of citizenship [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 173-201]

  • Citizenship Rights Legal Analysis of the Right of Access to Information by Realizing Citizenship Rights with an Emphasis on the Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 321-354]

  • Civil disobedience The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 117-148]

  • Civilization Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • Civil Services Management Act (2003) The Feasibility Study of Aggregation of Pension Funds in Iran’s Social Security [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 85-110]

  • Civil Society The role of civil society in lawmaking in the globalization era With emphasize on non-governmental organizations [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 265-288]

  • Civil Society Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]

  • Classification Declaration, Classification, and Declassification of Administrative Documents in Light of Right of Access to Information in Iran and the U, S, Legal Systems [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 183-213]

  • Classification System Declaration, Classification, and Declassification of Administrative Documents in Light of Right of Access to Information in Iran and the U, S, Legal Systems [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 183-213]

  • Clean Air Act Irregularities and Weaknesses of the Clean Air Act Compared to the Prevention of Air Pollution Act [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 141-170]

  • Clean Energy Environmental Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage under the Seabed [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 85-105]

  • Clinical Occupations Supporting Employees of Arduous or Hazardous Clinical Jobs in the Light of the Case Law of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 41-81]

  • Cluster Munitions Derived International Responsibility Resulted from Aid or Assistance with Emphasis on Case of Use of Cluster Munitions in Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 109-135]

  • Coastal State Legal Nature of the Jurisdiction of Coastal State on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Contiguous Zone [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 119-141]

  • Co-benefits society The Legal Requirements of Governance in a Co-benefit Society: A Case Study of Modern Iran [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 157-180]

  • Codification Causes of Failures in Codification of Laws in Iran Legal System [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 131-164]

  • Codification Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]

  • Collective interests Countermeasures for Human Rights Obligations [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 34-58]

  • Collective Obligations Typology of International Obligations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 35-71]

  • Collective Rights The Nature of Solidarity Rights: Collective Rights or Peoples' Right [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 143-168]

  • Commercial Exploitation Reflection on Commercial Exploitation of Underwater Cultural Heritage with a Focus on UNESCO’S 2001 Convention [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 87-109]

  • Commercial Operators Reflection on Commercial Exploitation of Underwater Cultural Heritage with a Focus on UNESCO’S 2001 Convention [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 87-109]

  • Committee against Torture The Binding Nature of Interim Measures Issued by Human Rights Treaty Bodies [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 227-256]

  • Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Principle The Effects of Imposed Sanctions against Iran on Environment, Energy & Technology Transfer in International Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 103-123]

  • Common esprit Causes of Failures in Codification of Laws in Iran Legal System [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 131-164]

  • Common Heritage of Mankind Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction as Common Heritage of Mankind [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 171-203]

  • Communications Regulatory Commission Legal Challenges Facing Mobile Number Portability Technology and Government Supervision: With Emphasis on Ratifications 189 and 232 of Communications Regulatory Commission [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 9-28]

  • Community Aspect Typology of International Obligations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 35-71]

  • Compensation Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Compensation The Obligation of the State of Origin and Other States to Prevent of Corona’s (Covid-19) Transboundary Damages [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 83-111]

  • Compensation The Doctrine of Executive Necessity in Government Transactions and Distinguishing It from Similar Concepts: A Comparative Study of Iranian Legal System and Common Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 194-223]

  • Compensation Pathology of the Right of Ownership of Individuals from the Point of View of Public Law with Emphasis on the Role of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 293-330]

  • Compensation Legal Nature of Compulsory Licensing under Patent Law: Regulatory Measure or Expropriation? [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 149-181]

  • Competition law Competition Law on Digital Platforms; The need to Revise Traditional Rules [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 7-40]

  • Competition law An Evaluation of the Particular Examples of the Abuse of Dominant Position by the Use of Big Data in Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 215-250]

  • Competition Manipulation The Legal Nature of "Match-Fixing" in International Sports Law [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 155-194]

  • Compliance State’s Compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Role of Exchange of Information in It [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 92-125]

  • Complicity Derived International Responsibility Resulted from Aid or Assistance with Emphasis on Case of Use of Cluster Munitions in Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 109-135]

  • Compulsory possession Analysis of the Nature of Compulsory Possession of Real Estates Located on Public Projects [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 165-193]

  • Concept of Right Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]

  • Concept of third Generation Rights The Concept of ‘Third Generation Rights’ [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 167-196]

  • Concert Analyzing Licensing System for Music Concert and Its Supervision in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 140-164]

  • Conditions of Competition “Legitimate Expectation” in the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 9-32]

  • Conduct of Investor Relevance of the Investor's Practice and Behavior to the Adjustment of Compensation Arising out of the Breach of Investment Treaties' Standards of Protection [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 119-143]

  • Conflicting Rules The Effect of Human Rights Rules on Private international Law In the Light of European Court of Human Rights Judgments [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 133-154]

  • Conflict of Interest Financial Corruption and Transparency in the Executive Bodies [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 171-202]

  • Conflict of Powers Feasibility of Appointing a Vice President in the Legal Jurisdiction of the Ministries [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 275-303]

  • Consent Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Consent Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Consequences of Succession Succession of States in Respect of the Right to Reparation [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 279-300]

  • Conservatism Laughlin's interpretation of Oakeshott's thought in public law, (Emphasizing the concept of practice) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Consolidation Acts Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]

  • Constituent Power Hannah Arendt; The Constitution and Constituent Power [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 47-94]

  • Constitution Proposing of Law by Representatives in the Framework of the 75th Principle of Constitution [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 247-264]

  • Constitution Constitutionalisation of Private Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 209-234]

  • Constitution Iranian Jury: From the Geometry of Adaptation in the Constitutional Period to the Art of Transformation in the Islamic Republic Era [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 155-184]

  • Constitution Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt and constitutional review of statutes [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 111-132]

  • Constitution Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]

  • Constitution Rule of Law in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 289-315]

  • Constitution The Possibility to Use the Right to Be Wrong in the Eyes of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 233-264]

  • Constitution public sphere and perfectionism in constitutional law; Case study of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Constitution Internationalization of Constitutional Laws; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 121-146]

  • Constitution Hannah Arendt; The Constitution and Constituent Power [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 47-94]

  • Constitution Narrowness or expansion of the realm of public rights and interest from the perspective of purposive interpration [(Articles in Press)]

  • Constitution Positional analysis of Principle 27 in Iran's Constitutional Law System [(Articles in Press)]

  • Constitutional Amendment Review in The Constitution as the unwritten principle [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 7-46]

  • Constitutional Court The Approach of the Constitutional Courts of the EU Member States to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 257-278]

  • Constitutionalisation Constitutionalisation of Private Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 209-234]

  • Constitutionalisation Constitutionalisation and Public Policy-Making: An Analysis of Position and Function of Public Policy-Making in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 9-41]

  • Constitutionalisation of Fundamental Rights The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]

  • Constitutional justice Nature of Supervisory Council on Executing Constitution in Iran and Algeria [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 37-59]

  • Constitutional Review Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt and constitutional review of statutes [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 111-132]

  • Constitutional Review The Guardian of the Constitution in Carl Schmitt's Thought [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 130-158]

  • Constitutional Review Pathology of the process of guaranteeing the supremacy of the constitution over ordinary law in constitutional law system of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Constitution authors Emulation in Drafting the Mashruteh Constitution; Model Laws and the Role of Authors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Constitution drafting Emulation in Drafting the Mashruteh Constitution; Model Laws and the Role of Authors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Consumer Protection Precautionary and Contributory Protection of Passenger’s Rights in Case of Airline’s Bankruptcy [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 29-55]

  • Contending Approaches A Study on the Necessity and Criteria of Delimitation of Outer Space [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 213-242]

  • Contiguous Zone Legal Nature of the Jurisdiction of Coastal State on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Contiguous Zone [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 119-141]

  • Contract The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Contract for transportation of goods Applicable Law to International Multimodal Transport Contracts for Goods [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 155-190]

  • Contract Rates Legal Nature of the Supreme Technical Council and Critiques on Its Duties [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 205-232]

  • Contractual Freedom The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]

  • Contractual Rights Human Nature as a Criterion against Relativity of Human Rights [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 59-85]

  • Contribution to the Injury Relevance of the Investor's Practice and Behavior to the Adjustment of Compensation Arising out of the Breach of Investment Treaties' Standards of Protection [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 119-143]

  • Contributory Protection Precautionary and Contributory Protection of Passenger’s Rights in Case of Airline’s Bankruptcy [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 29-55]

  • Convention Excellent Principles of “Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipments (2001)” with Regard to Aircraft Finance [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 77-95]

  • Conventional Conflict The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]

  • Convention on Biological Diversity Creation of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas; A New United Nations Model and its Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 361-388]

  • Convention on the Law of the Sea Approach of Coastal State and Flag State in Light of Instruments and Principles of International Law Confronting the Illegal Performance of the Flagship [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 241-269]

  • Convention on the Law of the Sea Creation of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas; A New United Nations Model and its Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 361-388]

  • Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 International Obligations of Greenhouse Gas Emission States from the Perspective of the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 39-69]

  • COPUOS’s Approach A Study on the Necessity and Criteria of Delimitation of Outer Space [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 213-242]

  • Copyright Infringement Substantial Similarity in Copyright Infringement: Emphasizing on US Case Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 79-116]

  • Corona Covid-19 Crisis and Due Diligence Principle in International Law [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 63-82]

  • Corona Crisis The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]

  • Corona's pandemic Challenges to the Health of Immigrant Women in the Light of International Human Rights with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 143-180]

  • Coronavirus State of Emergency and Limitation of Fundamental Rights: The Measures of the Italian Government to Fight against Covid-19 [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Coronavirus Principles of Prohibition of Nutritional Consumption and Trade of Wild Animals under International Law: The Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus from Animals to Humans [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 167-191]

  • Coronavirus disease A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]

  • Corporate Governance Wind Gone: A Critique of corporate governance in the Social Security Organization and Civil Servants Pension Fund [(Articles in Press)]

  • Corporate Social responsibility UUrbaser v Argentina: The Origins of Host State Human Rights Counterclaim in ICSID Arbitration [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 41-67]

  • Corporations Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]

  • Correlations The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Corruption Employment of Internal Self-determination as an Effective Solution on the Way to Fight against Corruption and Realization of the Right to Development [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 69-97]

  • Corruption Financial Corruption and Transparency in the Executive Bodies [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 171-202]

  • Cost Allocation Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]

  • Cost of Advertising Comparative Approach of Monetary Resources and Financing of Elections (Study on Election System of Iran, France, Russia and USA) [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 9-35]

  • Council lLegal Position and Scope of the Decisions of the Council of Money and Credit [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 141-180]

  • Council of Europe A reflection on Lanzarote Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 125-155]

  • Court administrative justice the principal of exclaiming the reasons and documentation of the administrative decisions and it's effect on the jurisprudence of the court of administrative justice [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 91-115]

  • Court Decisions The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 71-114]

  • Court of Administrative Justice A Historical Analysis of the Duality of Litigation Process in Matters of Responsibility of State in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 243-265]

  • Court of Administrative Justice Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]

  • Court of Administrative Justice Supporting Employees of Arduous or Hazardous Clinical Jobs in the Light of the Case Law of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 41-81]

  • Court of Administrative Justice Feasibility and Challenges of Prior Sharia Supervision over Regulations by Guardian Council Jurists [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 119-154]

  • Court of Arbitration for Sport The Legal Nature of "Match-Fixing" in International Sports Law [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 155-194]

  • Court of Arbitration for Sports Challenges of Creating a National Arbitration Court for Sports: A Comparative Study with regard to CAS [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 35-60]

  • Court of Justice of the European Union The Approach of the Constitutional Courts of the EU Member States to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 257-278]

  • Courts of Religion An analysis of the relation between reforms implemented by Amir Kabir and Sepahsalar in the judiciary system of the Nasery era [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 192-218]

  • Covenant The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 47-70]

  • COVID-19 The Obligation of the State of Origin and Other States to Prevent of Corona’s (Covid-19) Transboundary Damages [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 83-111]

  • COVID-19 International obligations of governments in reducing risk and prevention of infectious diseases (with emphasis on the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Credit lLegal Position and Scope of the Decisions of the Council of Money and Credit [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 141-180]

  • Crime of Aggression The Interrelationship between the International Criminal Court and the Security Council in the light of 2010 Review Conference [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 163-184]

  • Crime of Aggression ICC Restrictions Regarding its Activation of Jurisdiction over Crime of Aggression [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 67-90]

  • Criminalization Legal Analysis of the ICAO Approach on Modernizing the 1970 Hague Convention by the Adoption of 2010 Beijing Protocol [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 127-154]

  • Criminal jurisdiction An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Criminal justice Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Criminal justice Protection of Criminals’ Human Dignity in Sentencing Phase in Light of ECtHR Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 247-275]

  • Criminal Support of International Environment Principles of International Environmental Law in Light of International Case Law [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 9-25]

  • Crisis The Challenges of government in Pakistan and future possibilities [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 119-153]

  • Crisis of Legitimacy Addressing the Legitimacy Crisis of Investment Arbitration Through its Harmonization with World Trade Organization Law [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 181-219]

  • Crisis Order Political New Research in Farabi's Political Thought On The basis Of Research Method Of Spragens [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 53-79]

  • Critical Approach A Critical Look at International Law from the Perspective of the Third-World Approaches: Beginning of a Modern Era? [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 163-204]

  • Critical Legal Studies A Critical Look at International Law from the Perspective of the Third-World Approaches: Beginning of a Modern Era? [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 163-204]

  • Criticism Legal Standards on Criticism of Government and Public Officials [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 9-46]

  • Criticism A Critical Look at International Law from the Perspective of the Third-World Approaches: Beginning of a Modern Era? [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 163-204]

  • Cross-Border Principles Internationalization of Constitutional Laws; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 121-146]

  • Cultural Relativism The Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 73-103]

  • Cultural Right Protection of Minorities' culture and cultural rights under the Light of CESCR's General Comment NO.21 [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Culture Protection of Minorities' culture and cultural rights under the Light of CESCR's General Comment NO.21 [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Customary International Law Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Customary rules Afghanistan's Obligation to Comply with Customary Rules Governing International Waterways [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 251-294]

  • Customs Law The Carrier’s Duty of Customs Summary Declaration [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 137-169]

  • Cyber Law Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance and International Law: Common Concepts or New Approach? [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 107-140]


  • Decision making Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 245-272]

  • Decisive Reasons Foundations of Legal Obedience: Natural and Analytical Jurisprudence Perspective [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 9-45]

  • Declaration of Independence ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]

  • Declassification Declaration, Classification, and Declassification of Administrative Documents in Light of Right of Access to Information in Iran and the U, S, Legal Systems [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 183-213]

  • Decommissioning Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations under the International Law [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 59-63]

  • Decommissioning the law governing the decommissioning of oil and gas installations [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 133-163]

  • Defamation Legal Standards on Criticism of Government and Public Officials [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 9-46]

  • Defensive National Security Citing National Security Exceptions in the System of International Treaties [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 45-78]

  • Deficiencies of Decent Work - Freedom of Unionization - Social Dialogue - Indicator of excessive working hours - Indicator of gap between male and female labor force participation Legal Analysis and Quantifying Deficiencies of Decent Work in Iran [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 91-128]

  • Defined Benefits The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]

  • Delegation of Power A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]

  • Delocalization of Tehran Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De localisation of Tehran [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 43-74]

  • Democracy The Role of Ombudsmen in Developement and Progression of Democracy [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 129-166]

  • Democracy The Guardian of the Constitution in Carl Schmitt's Thought [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 130-158]

  • Democracy Max Weber and Constitutional Law Issues [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 43-77]

  • Democratic Intervention Intervention by Invitation in Post-Election Disputes: The Analysis of the Security Council Practice in the Gambia (2017) [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 284-312]

  • Democratic Legitimacy Intervention by Invitation in Post-Election Disputes: The Analysis of the Security Council Practice in the Gambia (2017) [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 284-312]

  • Democratic Life Democratizing Administration: an Opportunity to Restore Direct Democracy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Department of Environment Irregularities and Weaknesses of the Clean Air Act Compared to the Prevention of Air Pollution Act [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 141-170]

  • Derived International Responsibility Derived International Responsibility Resulted from Aid or Assistance with Emphasis on Case of Use of Cluster Munitions in Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 109-135]

  • Derogation The right to privacy versus the necessity to fight terrorism from the viewpoint of european human rights system; emphasizing the current crisis in Europe [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 261-288]

  • Despotism Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • Detained Witnesses Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]

  • Determining Punishment Protection of Criminals’ Human Dignity in Sentencing Phase in Light of ECtHR Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 247-275]

  • Development Citizen Participation in International Development Law: Grounds, Obstacles and Supporting Ways [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 143-169]

  • Development Plan Analysis of the Nature of Compulsory Possession of Real Estates Located on Public Projects [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 165-193]

  • Development Plan Legal Nature of the Supreme Technical Council and Critiques on Its Duties [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 205-232]

  • Development Projects Pathology of the Right of Ownership of Individuals from the Point of View of Public Law with Emphasis on the Role of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 293-330]

  • Diagnostic Competence The Concept and Function of "Competence" in Administrative Law [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 207-238]

  • Dialogue Tolerance in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 71-113]

  • Digital Age assemblege theory, a lens for analyzing institutional dynamics from the perspective of public law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Diplomatic Protection ProtectingIndividual Rights: Analyzing ICJ Judgment in the Case of Guinea Against Congo [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 31-52]

  • Direct Connection with the subject matter of the claim counterclaim in practice of international court of justice [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 123-148]

  • Direct Participation in Hostilities Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]

  • Direct taxes Consideration and analysis of the Special Economic Zone financial condition in the Islamic Republic of Iran legal system [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 157-181]

  • Disclosure Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]

  • Discretion The Comparative Analysis of the Effective Factors on Prosecution’s Legal-Constitutional Status among the Powers [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 131-162]

  • Discretionary Competence The Concept and Function of "Competence" in Administrative Law [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 207-238]

  • Disorder of the System The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 117-148]

  • Dispensation of Competence The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 71-100]

  • Dispute resolution A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]

  • Disputes Arising from Public Lands The Role and Functioning of the National Lands Disputes Commission from the Perspective of a Fair Trial [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 155-177]

  • Dispute Settlement Body “Legitimate Expectation” in the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 9-32]

  • Dispute Tribunal Evolution in the Internal Justice Regime of the United Nations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 167-193]

  • Dissolution of Parliament A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]

  • Distribution of Responsibility Derived International Responsibility Resulted from Aid or Assistance with Emphasis on Case of Use of Cluster Munitions in Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 109-135]

  • Documentary Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]

  • Domestic Application of International Law Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iraq-Iran War under the Perspective of International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 129-152]

  • Domestic Jurisdiction Extension of the UN Secretary-General's Practice and Domestic Exclusive Jurisdiction in Defence of the UN Charter Art. 2 (7) after Seventy Years [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 195-214]

  • Domestic Law The Relationship between International and Domestic Law in the Field of Attribution of Responsibility to a State in International Investment Disputes [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 91-117]

  • Domestic Law Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]

  • Double Taxation Treaties Arbitrability of International Tax Disputes [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 117-142]

  • Draft Principles of 2006 Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Dual nationality Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]

  • Due diligence Analysis of the Elements of Obligation to Prevent Trans boundary Environmental Harm [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 243-268]

  • Due diligence Covid-19 Crisis and Due Diligence Principle in International Law [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 63-82]

  • Due Regard Approach of Coastal State and Flag State in Light of Instruments and Principles of International Law Confronting the Illegal Performance of the Flagship [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 241-269]

  • Dust haze Utilization of Ilisu Dam in Turkey and the Rules of International Water Law [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 163-190]

  • Dutch Court Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]

  • Duty, Ought to, Legal, Societal and Political Obligation, Dirty hands dilemma Political Obligation: An Introduction to moral principles of the Interrelations between the Individual and state [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 183-209]

  • Duty to give reasons Evaluation the Relation between Duty to Give Reasons Principle and Rule of Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 65-92]

  • Dynamic civil society The Role of Public Participation in Ensuring of Women's Access to the Right to Development [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 47-80]

  • Dynamic Metaphysics The Intuitive Law of Léon Petrazycki: Transition from Reason and Nature of Objects to Empirical Intuition as Validity of Law [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 215-246]


  • Ease of access to laws The Approach of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda to the Principle of Legal Security [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 6-47]

  • Economic Actors Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 29-59]

  • Economic Crisis Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]

  • Economic Development The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 47-70]

  • Economic Development Analysis the concept of “Eminent Domain” Case Study Public Use Clause with special reference to “Kelo” case [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 1-1]

  • Economic Development A Sociological Look at the Efficacy of International Environmental Norms [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 81-120]

  • Economics Legal requirements of Performance budgeting in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-81]

  • Education Tolerance in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 71-113]

  • Effective Control Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • Effective Control Intervention by Invitation in Post-Election Disputes: The Analysis of the Security Council Practice in the Gambia (2017) [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 284-312]

  • Effectiveness Legal requirements of Performance budgeting in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-81]

  • Effectiveness Recognizing the Incompetency of the President in the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 9-36]

  • Efficiency legisprudence: in quest of enhancing the quality of legislation [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Efficiency Legal requirements of Performance budgeting in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-81]

  • Efficiency (Normative) A Sociological Look at the Efficacy of International Environmental Norms [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 81-120]

  • Egypt Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt and constitutional review of statutes [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 111-132]

  • Election Law Comparative Approach of Monetary Resources and Financing of Elections (Study on Election System of Iran, France, Russia and USA) [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 9-35]

  • Election of Successor Leader The Evolution of Ijtihad in Imam Khomeini's Thought and Its Effect on Selection of Leadership Successor [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 141-170]

  • Eminent domain Analysis the concept of “Eminent Domain” Case Study Public Use Clause with special reference to “Kelo” case [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 1-1]

  • Emission of Greenhouse Gases International law's approach regarding states' obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of attaining the goal of countering global climate change. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Emission Trade Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • Empoverment Women's Triangle, Peace and Security in Afghanistan from the Perspective of the United Nations Security Council [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 343-380]

  • Empowerment Citizen Participation in International Development Law: Grounds, Obstacles and Supporting Ways [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 143-169]

  • Endowment Government’s supervision on endowments: study on challenges of receiving observer’s fee from endowments by endowment and charity affairs organization [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 199-216]

  • Endowments and Charity Affairs Organization Government’s supervision on endowments: study on challenges of receiving observer’s fee from endowments by endowment and charity affairs organization [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 199-216]

  • Enforcement Interim Measure and its enforcement in the European Court of Human Rights case-law [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 61-85]

  • Enforcement of ICSID Award Problems of Enforcement of ICSID Awards: An Analysis of Micula Case [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 233-256]

  • Environment The Role of the Environment in the World Trade Organization (WTO) [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-236]

  • Environment Environmental Obligations of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 81-101]

  • Environment The Effects of Imposed Sanctions against Iran on Environment, Energy & Technology Transfer in International Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 103-123]

  • Environment A Comparative Study of “Precautionary Principle” in Opinions and Decisions of Internationals Tribunals [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 141-164]

  • Environment The Cooperation Priciple in International Environmental Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 61-90]

  • Environment Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Environment An In-depth Analysis of the Initial Draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Right to Environment [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 9-47]

  • Environment International law's approach regarding states' obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of attaining the goal of countering global climate change. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Environment؛ Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]

  • Environmental Changes Covid-19 Crisis and Environmental Law: Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 193-218]

  • Environmental conservation Citizen Participation in International Development Law: Grounds, Obstacles and Supporting Ways [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 143-169]

  • Environmental Damage Rights and Duties of Governments to Prevent and Compensate Pollution of the Sea Resulting from the Transportation of Oil: A Study of International Declarations, Conventions and Awards [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 175-198]

  • Environmental Damages Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 141-165]

  • Environmental displacement Environmentally-Displaced Persons in International Law: Conceptual Ambiguity and the Need for a Legal Framework [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 179-207]

  • Environmental norms Environmental Obligations of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 81-101]

  • Environmental Obligations State’s Compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Role of Exchange of Information in It [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 92-125]

  • Environmental Pollution Environmental Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage under the Seabed [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 85-105]

  • Environmental protection The Role of the Environment in the World Trade Organization (WTO) [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-236]

  • Environmental protection The Cooperation Priciple in International Environmental Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 61-90]

  • Environmental protection Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]

  • Environmental rights The Global Compact as a Supplementary Agreement to Regulate Multinational Enterprises [(Articles in Press)]

  • Environmental Values Covid-19 Crisis and Environmental Law: Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 193-218]

  • Erga Omnes Examining Afghan People's Right to Self-Determination in International Law, Emphasizing the Legal Status of the Self-proclaimed "Islamic EMARIT" Government [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 49-81]

  • Established law codification Causes of Failures in Codification of Laws in Iran Legal System [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 131-164]

  • Ethics The Relationship between State and Ethics in the Doctrine of Professor Naser Katouzian [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 255-287]

  • Ethnic Cleansing The Legality of the Creation of “Safe Zone” in Syrian Northern Borders with Turkey in Accordance with International Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 10-41]

  • EU Commission Problems of Enforcement of ICSID Awards: An Analysis of Micula Case [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 233-256]

  • Europe Protecting Women from Sexual and Gender-based Violence in European Refugee Crisis Focusing on UNHCR Approach [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Europe Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]

  • European Access to Environmental Justice in EU for Non-governmental Actors [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 237-259]

  • European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Interim Measure and its enforcement in the European Court of Human Rights case-law [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 61-85]

  • European Convention on Human Rights Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 61-82]

  • European Court of Human Rights The Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 73-103]

  • European Court of Human Rights Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 61-82]

  • European Court of Human Rights The right to privacy versus the necessity to fight terrorism from the viewpoint of european human rights system; emphasizing the current crisis in Europe [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 261-288]

  • European Court of Human Rights Interim Measure and its enforcement in the European Court of Human Rights case-law [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 61-85]

  • European Court of Human Rights Alevis and the Legal System of Religious Education in Turkish Schools: the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 291-312]

  • European Court of Human Rights The Doctrine of “Equivalent Protection”: Uncertainty on the Principle of Separation in the System of International Responsibility of Organizations [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 346-373]

  • European Court of Human Rights Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]

  • European Court of Human Rights The Conflict between Citizens' Right to Privacy and the State's Right to Digitally Tracking People Infected or Suspected of Transmitting the Covid-19 Virus [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 9-42]

  • European Court of Human Rights Protection of Criminals’ Human Dignity in Sentencing Phase in Light of ECtHR Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 247-275]

  • European Court of Human Rights Prohibition of Reservation to the Principle of Non-Refoulement of Refugees in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 241-276]

  • European Court of Justice The Role of European Court of Justice in the Development of EU Legal Integration [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 57-83]

  • European Legal System The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • European Union The Role of European Court of Justice in the Development of EU Legal Integration [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 57-83]

  • European Union Impacts of Establishment of Unitary Patent System in European Union [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 35-58]

  • European Union The Conflict Between The constituent instrument of Intrnational Organization and The Security Council Resolutions [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 39-70]

  • European Union The Approach of the Constitutional Courts of the EU Member States to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 257-278]

  • European Union The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]

  • EU Water Framework Directive The commitment of the German government to the standards governing the exploitation of shared waters [(Articles in Press)]

  • Evaluation Process Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]

  • Evidence of Voiding Obligation to Express Causes of Law in Islamic Voiding of Regulations in the Light of the Guardian Council’s Jurisprudence [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 72-93]

  • Evidences Confidentiality and Prolongation of Proceedings Necessities and Challenges of Evidences Disclosure; Manifestation of Defensive Rights of the Accused in ICC's Statute [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 47-67]

  • Evidences Disclosure to Accused Necessities and Challenges of Evidences Disclosure; Manifestation of Defensive Rights of the Accused in ICC's Statute [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 47-67]

  • Exceptional Administrative Authority Opinions Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]

  • Exceptional Circumstances Abuse of Right and Abuse of Process in Light of the Practice of the International Court of Justice [(Articles in Press)]

  • Exchange of Information State’s Compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Role of Exchange of Information in It [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 92-125]

  • Exclusion Approach Lessons Learned from Philip Morris V. Uruguay Regarding the Approaches Taken in the Investment Protection Treaties of Iran towards Expropriation of Intellectual Property [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 239-274]

  • Exclusive Economic Zone Approach of Coastal State and Flag State in Light of Instruments and Principles of International Law Confronting the Illegal Performance of the Flagship [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 241-269]

  • Exclusive Legislative Obligations Legislative Obligations of Member States under Cartagena Protocol and the Extent to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has Adhered to such Commitments [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 129-148]

  • Executive Body Financial Corruption and Transparency in the Executive Bodies [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 171-202]

  • Executive Organizations Legal Position of Resolutions Drafted by Board of Trustees of Universities and Educational Institutions [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 35-69]

  • Executive organs Analysis of the Nature of Compulsory Possession of Real Estates Located on Public Projects [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 165-193]

  • Exercising State Sovereignty International Responsibility of States for Private Company’s Conduct Thorough the Lens of InternationalJudicial and Arbitral Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 115-140]

  • Explicit Exceptions Citing National Security Exceptions in the System of International Treaties [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 45-78]

  • Explosive weapons IHL and the Use of Explosive Conventional Weapons in Populated Areas [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 118-139]

  • Expropriation Pathology of the Right of Ownership of Individuals from the Point of View of Public Law with Emphasis on the Role of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 293-330]

  • Expropriation Legal Nature of Compulsory Licensing under Patent Law: Regulatory Measure or Expropriation? [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 149-181]

  • Expropriation Lessons Learned from Philip Morris V. Uruguay Regarding the Approaches Taken in the Investment Protection Treaties of Iran towards Expropriation of Intellectual Property [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 239-274]


  • Fairness Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Fair Price Pathology of the Right of Ownership of Individuals from the Point of View of Public Law with Emphasis on the Role of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 293-330]

  • Fair Trial The Effect of Human Rights Rules on Private international Law In the Light of European Court of Human Rights Judgments [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 133-154]

  • Fair trial guarantees The Legality of Courts Established by Armed Groups in the Context of NIAC with an Emphasis on the Stockholm District Court Judgment [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 34-64]

  • Family Law A Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Approach to Family Regulation [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 289-309]

  • Farabi's Political Thought Reseatch Method Of Spragens New Research in Farabi's Political Thought On The basis Of Research Method Of Spragens [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 53-79]

  • F.C.C The Obstacles to Establish the Desired Satellite Television Model in Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 9-39]

  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission The Study of Regulatory Agencies on Electricity Market in the Law of Iran and the United States of America [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 193-220]

  • Feist Case COMPILATION WORKS AND ORIGINALITY [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 35-67]

  • Financial Law of Trials Analysis of the Principles and Issues of the Costs of Litigations in Administrative Actions: A case study of the Administrative Tribunal Court [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 220-240]

  • Financial Resources Comparative Approach of Monetary Resources and Financing of Elections (Study on Election System of Iran, France, Russia and USA) [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 9-35]

  • Financing Comparative Approach of Monetary Resources and Financing of Elections (Study on Election System of Iran, France, Russia and USA) [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 9-35]

  • Fiscal Rules The principle of annual nature of budget and perennial budgeting [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 83-108]

  • Flag State Approach of Coastal State and Flag State in Light of Instruments and Principles of International Law Confronting the Illegal Performance of the Flagship [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 241-269]

  • Flow of Information Financial Corruption and Transparency in the Executive Bodies [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 171-202]

  • Food Safety Legal Requirements for Preventing Food Insecurity in Light of a Health Impact Assessment Approach; Covid 19 Outbreak Case Study [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 203-235]

  • Force Majeure Withdrawal from JCPOA and Compensation for Non-performance of International Commercial Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 9-33]

  • Foreign investment Rules and Regualtions Prevailing on Foreign Investment in Upstream Oil Industry Projects of Iran, with Particular Reference to the Buy-Back Facilitations Method [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 37-68]

  • Foreign investment A Reflection on the Invalidation of Patents in the Light of Constituent Elements of Indirect Expropriation under Foreign Investment Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 203-233]

  • Foreign investment The Role of Foreign Investment Insurer in Sustainable Investment with Emphasis on MIGA's Practice [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 44-69]

  • Foreign investment Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Foreign Investment Arbitratio Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]

  • Foreign Investment Contracts Stability Clause in Foreign Investment Contracts from Administrative Law View [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 111-140]

  • Forum Prorogatum Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Forum Prorogatum Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Foucault A Foucauldian Analysis of Post-Modern Concept of Sovereignty in the Light of Public Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 9-32]

  • Foucault Concept of Power and Public Order in Postmodern Thought [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 9-32]

  • Foundational Customs Review in The Constitution as the unwritten principle [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 7-46]

  • Fragmentation OF international law Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]

  • France A comparative study of the execution process of municipal budget in Iran and France [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 207-236]

  • Free Access to Information The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Freedom Theories of the Ethical Government Vs. Social Contract: A Practical View of the State Through Hegel's Point of View and His Critiques of Classical Liberalism [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 171-206]

  • Freedom from Fear Freedom from Fear [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 39-79]

  • Freedom of Assembly and Procession Positional analysis of Principle 27 in Iran's Constitutional Law System [(Articles in Press)]

  • Freedom of Information Legal Analysis of the Right of Access to Information by Realizing Citizenship Rights with an Emphasis on the Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 321-354]

  • Freedom of media The Role of Public Participation in Ensuring of Women's Access to the Right to Development [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 47-80]

  • Freedom of Publication Imperatives and challenges of the legal of news websites in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 1-26]

  • Freedom of Publication Principles of Codification for the Laws and Regulations of the Internet with the Emphasis on UNESCO and European Council Documents [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 43-82]

  • Freedom of Trade Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]

  • Free elections The Role of Public Participation in Ensuring of Women's Access to the Right to Development [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 47-80]

  • Frequency Allocation The Role of ITU in the Codification and Development of International Space Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 141-172]

  • Frequency Allocation Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • Friedrich Hegel Theories of the Ethical Government Vs. Social Contract: A Practical View of the State Through Hegel's Point of View and His Critiques of Classical Liberalism [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 171-206]

  • Full compensation Implementation of the Principle of Joint and Several Liability in the System of International Responsibility [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 253-292]

  • Functionality Doctrine A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Functus Officio The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Fundamental Human Rights Right to the City [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 250-282]

  • Fundamental Legal Instruments A Review of Environmental Requirements Applicable on the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Stipulated in theFundamental Legal Instruments of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 217-242]

  • Fundamental Rights Constitutionalisation of Private Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 209-234]

  • Fundamental Rights State of Emergency and Limitation of Fundamental Rights: The Measures of the Italian Government to Fight against Covid-19 [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Fundamental Rights Protection of Criminals’ Human Dignity in Sentencing Phase in Light of ECtHR Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 247-275]

  • Fundeamentall Law Review of the Persian Translation of Leviathan in the Light of Public Law Concepts [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 215-239]


  • Garden Challenges of Formation and Development of Legal System of Urban Agriculture [(Articles in Press)]

  • Gender discrimination A Critical Study of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Proposing for an Islamic Standard [(Articles in Press)]

  • Gender Equity The Concept, Status, and Models of Equality in the International Literature on Women’s Rights [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 325-359]

  • General Comment No 21 (CESCRs) Protection of Minorities' culture and cultural rights under the Light of CESCR's General Comment NO.21 [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • General Conditions of Construction Works Procurements Legal Nature of the Supreme Technical Council and Critiques on Its Duties [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 205-232]

  • General Legislative Obligations Legislative Obligations of Member States under Cartagena Protocol and the Extent to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has Adhered to such Commitments [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 129-148]

  • General Principles of Law A Study on the Necessity and Criteria of Delimitation of Outer Space [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 213-242]

  • General Principles of Law The Position of General Principles of Law in the Interpretation of Treaties [(Articles in Press)]

  • Generic Substitution A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Genetic Resources An Introduction to the Regulation of Human Biobanks by Looking at the Legal System of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 195-240]

  • Geneva Protocol (1925) Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iraq-Iran War under the Perspective of International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 129-152]

  • Geoengineering Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]

  • Geostationary Orbit Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • Global Climate Change International law's approach regarding states' obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of attaining the goal of countering global climate change. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Global Compact A Reflection on Global Compact on Migration [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 142-174]

  • Global Compact The Global Compact as a Supplementary Agreement to Regulate Multinational Enterprises [(Articles in Press)]

  • Globalization A Foucauldian Analysis of Post-Modern Concept of Sovereignty in the Light of Public Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 9-32]

  • Globalization The role of civil society in lawmaking in the globalization era With emphasize on non-governmental organizations [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 265-288]

  • Good faith “Legitimate Expectation” in the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 9-32]

  • Goodgovernance Women's Triangle, Peace and Security in Afghanistan from the Perspective of the United Nations Security Council [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 343-380]

  • Good Governance Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]

  • Good Governance Feasibility Study on the Process of Rulemaking as the Bases of Diverse Rules in the Globalization (Does the Base of Legal Rules Turn to Objectivity?) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 191-211]

  • Good Governance legisprudence: in quest of enhancing the quality of legislation [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Governance An Introduction to the Regulation of Human Biobanks by Looking at the Legal System of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 195-240]

  • Government The Concept of Public Services and its Evolution In the Light of Public Function Doctrine [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Government Responsibility of the State or the Government? Explaining Its Foundations in Light of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Iranian Penal Code [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 185-215]

  • Government Max Weber and Constitutional Law Issues [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 43-77]

  • Governmental Information Copyright Span Toward Governmental Information [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 109-140]

  • Governmental property Immunity from seizure of public properties in Iran; A critical and comparative Approach [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 84-108]

  • Government authority Failed States Status in Contemporary International Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 35-60]

  • Government Downsizing Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De localisation of Tehran [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 43-74]

  • Government Intervention Analyzing Licensing System for Music Concert and Its Supervision in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 140-164]

  • Government regulations Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]

  • Government Responsibility The Standards of the Right to Peaceful Protest and the Government’s Responsibility to Facilitate Its Implementation in Light of International Documents [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 147-184]

  • Government’s Supervision Government’s supervision on endowments: study on challenges of receiving observer’s fee from endowments by endowment and charity affairs organization [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 199-216]

  • GovernmentSupervision Analyzing Licensing System for Music Concert and Its Supervision in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 140-164]

  • Government Supervision Legal Challenges Facing Mobile Number Portability Technology and Government Supervision: With Emphasis on Ratifications 189 and 232 of Communications Regulatory Commission [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 9-28]

  • Greenhouse Dases International Obligations of Greenhouse Gas Emission States from the Perspective of the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 39-69]

  • Greenhouse Gases Environmental Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage under the Seabed [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 85-105]

  • Griffith creation and Developments of the concept of political constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Group Rights The Relationship between the Right to Mother Tongue and National Security and Territorial Unity [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 221-253]

  • Guarantee Guardianship and and pro-participation: an analysis of functions' effects of the right to assembly in citizen-state relationship [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 151-177]

  • Guardian Council Faqihs Feasibility and Challenges of Prior Sharia Supervision over Regulations by Guardian Council Jurists [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 119-154]


  • Hague Convention Legal Analysis of the ICAO Approach on Modernizing the 1970 Hague Convention by the Adoption of 2010 Beijing Protocol [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 127-154]

  • Hallaq The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 81-112]

  • Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt; The Constitution and Constituent Power [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 47-94]

  • Hard and Harmful Occupations Supporting Employees of Arduous or Hazardous Clinical Jobs in the Light of the Case Law of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 41-81]

  • Hazardous Wastes Obligations and Responsibility of States in the Protection and Conservation of Environment against Wastes, With an Emphasis on Hazardous Wastes [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 165-200]

  • Head of the Legislature Rereading the Position of the Head of the Legislature in Iran's Constitutional Law System [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 81-108]

  • Health Impact Assessments Legal Requirements for Preventing Food Insecurity in Light of a Health Impact Assessment Approach; Covid 19 Outbreak Case Study [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 203-235]

  • Health products The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]

  • Hearing Right The Development of the Right to Hearing in Administrative Law of England [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-206]

  • Hermeneutics The Possibility to Use the Right to Be Wrong in the Eyes of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 233-264]

  • High Seas Creation of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas; A New United Nations Model and its Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 361-388]

  • Hirmand human rights requirements of states in the utilization of international watercourses: a Case study of Hirmand [(Articles in Press)]

  • History of third Generation rights The Concept of ‘Third Generation Rights’ [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 167-196]

  • Hobbes Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • Hobbesian-Schmittian Reading of modern State The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 81-112]

  • Housing" A Critique on the Housing Production Jump Law with an Emphasis on the Implementation of the law Regarding the Lands and Properties of Universities in the Light of Case Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Human dignity The Right to Be Forgotten Evaluated: A Necessity Caused by Virtual World or a Threat to the Freedom of Expression!? [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 113-135]

  • Human dignity Humanization of environmental law in the light of human dignity [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 9-40]

  • Human dignity The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]

  • Human dignity Protection of Criminals’ Human Dignity in Sentencing Phase in Light of ECtHR Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 247-275]

  • Humanization of the law of the sea Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]

  • Human Rights The Nature of Solidarity Rights: Collective Rights or Peoples' Right [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 143-168]

  • Human Rights The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Human Rights The Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 73-103]

  • Human Rights ProtectingIndividual Rights: Analyzing ICJ Judgment in the Case of Guinea Against Congo [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 31-52]

  • Human Rights The Right to Remedial Secession in the light of National and Regional Judicial Decisions [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 9-37]

  • Human Rights Tolerance in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 71-113]

  • Human Rights Right to Solidarity and Iinternational Solidarity: Challenges Ahead and the Most Recent Changes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 107-132]

  • Human Rights The International Obligations of Human Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 165-191]

  • Human Rights Human Nature as a Criterion against Relativity of Human Rights [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 59-85]

  • Human Rights Comparative Study of the Limits of Freedom of Expression on Television from the Perspective of International Documents on Human Rights and Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 153-177]

  • Human Rights Monitoring the Human Rights Implementation by International NGOs [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 29-57]

  • Human Rights The Statute of Rule of Law in International Law [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 171-196]

  • Human Rights Copyright Span Toward Governmental Information [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 109-140]

  • Human Rights the fundamental principles of the constitution law to describe the concept of citizenship [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 173-201]

  • Human Rights Employment of Internal Self-determination as an Effective Solution on the Way to Fight against Corruption and Realization of the Right to Development [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 69-97]

  • Human Rights The right to privacy versus the necessity to fight terrorism from the viewpoint of european human rights system; emphasizing the current crisis in Europe [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 261-288]

  • Human Rights Humanization of environmental law in the light of human dignity [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 9-40]

  • Human Rights Covid-19 Crisis and Due Diligence Principle in International Law [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 63-82]

  • Human Rights Conflict in the Implementation of Human Rights; Challenges and Resolutions [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 257-289]

  • Human Rights The Concept, Status, and Models of Equality in the International Literature on Women’s Rights [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 325-359]

  • Human Rights A Reflection on Global Compact on Migration [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 142-174]

  • Human Rights The Impact of Human Rights Based on Social Dignity on Contract Law in Iranian Law and European Case Law [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 161-191]

  • Human Rights Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]

  • Human Rights Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]

  • Human Rights Examining Afghan People's Right to Self-Determination in International Law, Emphasizing the Legal Status of the Self-proclaimed "Islamic EMARIT" Government [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 49-81]

  • Human Rights Ensuring Access to Courts for Seafarers: Examining Iran's Admiralty Court [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 83-118]

  • Human Rights Supporting Employees of Arduous or Hazardous Clinical Jobs in the Light of the Case Law of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 41-81]

  • Human Rights Internationalization of Constitutional Laws; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 121-146]

  • Human Rights Realization of the Right to Self-determination in the Framework of R2P [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 133-170]

  • Human Rights The Standards of the Right to Peaceful Protest and the Government’s Responsibility to Facilitate Its Implementation in Light of International Documents [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 147-184]

  • Human Rights The foundations of the legitimacy of the unwritten constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Human Rights The Global Compact as a Supplementary Agreement to Regulate Multinational Enterprises [(Articles in Press)]

  • Human Rights human rights requirements of states in the utilization of international watercourses: a Case study of Hirmand [(Articles in Press)]

  • Human Rights Committee The Binding Nature of Interim Measures Issued by Human Rights Treaty Bodies [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 227-256]

  • Human Rights Documents The Foundation of International Humanitarian Law Enforcement: State Obligations to Respect and to Ensure Respect [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 125-154]

  • Human Rights Obligations Countermeasures for Human Rights Obligations [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 34-58]

  • Human Security States Responsibility on Human Individual Security [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 185-211]

  • Human Security Freedom from Fear [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 39-79]

  • Human Shield Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]


  • Icao Usage of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and the Necessity of Observing the Right to Privacy [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 97-129]

  • Icao The Role of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization in Maintaining Aviation Safety [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 69-105]

  • ICC The Interrelationship between the International Criminal Court and the Security Council in the light of 2010 Review Conference [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 163-184]

  • ICC An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • ICC ICC Restrictions Regarding its Activation of Jurisdiction over Crime of Aggression [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 67-90]

  • ICJ The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 71-114]

  • ICSID UUrbaser v Argentina: The Origins of Host State Human Rights Counterclaim in ICSID Arbitration [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 41-67]

  • ICSID Arbitral Tribunal Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Idea and Expression Substantial Similarity in Copyright Infringement: Emphasizing on US Case Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 79-116]

  • Idea-Expression Dichotomy Freedom of Expression and Idea-Expression Dichotomy [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 95-127]

  • Idealism From Idealism to Realism; a Survey in the Basis of International Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 259-293]

  • Identification Criteria Institutional Doctrine of Law: Joseph Raz’s Last Solution for the Theory of a Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 283-310]

  • Identity The Challenges of government in Pakistan and future possibilities [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 119-153]

  • Ideology A Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Approach to Family Regulation [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 289-309]

  • IDPs Environmentally-Displaced Persons in International Law: Conceptual Ambiguity and the Need for a Legal Framework [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 179-207]

  • IHL IHL and the Use of Explosive Conventional Weapons in Populated Areas [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 118-139]

  • Ijtihad in the Constitution The Evolution of Ijtihad in Imam Khomeini's Thought and Its Effect on Selection of Leadership Successor [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 141-170]

  • Ijtihad in the Thoughts of Imam Khomeini The Evolution of Ijtihad in Imam Khomeini's Thought and Its Effect on Selection of Leadership Successor [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 141-170]

  • Ijtihad in the Thoughts of the Jurists The Evolution of Ijtihad in Imam Khomeini's Thought and Its Effect on Selection of Leadership Successor [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 141-170]

  • Ilisu dam Utilization of Ilisu Dam in Turkey and the Rules of International Water Law [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 163-190]

  • Immunity An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Immunity Confrontation of Immunity and Responsibility Arising from Violation of Jus Cogens Norms in the ICJ Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 237-270]

  • Impartiality Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Impeachment Reconsideration of the President’s Responsibility before the Islamic Consultative Assembly: Interpellation or Impeachment [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 127-162]

  • Imperium The Roman Foundations of Public Law [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Implicit Exceptions Citing National Security Exceptions in the System of International Treaties [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 45-78]

  • Implicit Revocation Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]

  • Impossible State The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 81-112]

  • Inclusive Assembly Democratizing Administration: an Opportunity to Restore Direct Democracy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Increasing participation Guardianship and and pro-participation: an analysis of functions' effects of the right to assembly in citizen-state relationship [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 151-177]

  • Independence of Judges A Qualitative Assessment of Judicial Independence in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 83-126]

  • Independence of Prosecution The Comparative Analysis of the Effective Factors on Prosecution’s Legal-Constitutional Status among the Powers [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 131-162]

  • Indirect expropriation A Reflection on the Invalidation of Patents in the Light of Constituent Elements of Indirect Expropriation under Foreign Investment Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 203-233]

  • Indirect taxes Consideration and analysis of the Special Economic Zone financial condition in the Islamic Republic of Iran legal system [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 157-181]

  • Individualism A Critical Study of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Proposing for an Islamic Standard [(Articles in Press)]

  • Individual Judicial Independence A Qualitative Assessment of Judicial Independence in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 83-126]

  • Individual Rights ProtectingIndividual Rights: Analyzing ICJ Judgment in the Case of Guinea Against Congo [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 31-52]

  • Individual Rights The Relationship between the Right to Mother Tongue and National Security and Territorial Unity [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 221-253]

  • Individual Security States Responsibility on Human Individual Security [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 185-211]

  • Industrial Location Mechanisms and Challenges of Land Planning Application in Location of Industries in the Iranian Environmental Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 217-251]

  • Industrial Strategy Mechanisms and Challenges of Land Planning Application in Location of Industries in the Iranian Environmental Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 217-251]

  • Infectious Diseases International obligations of governments in reducing risk and prevention of infectious diseases (with emphasis on the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Information Transparency The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 87-105]

  • Information Transparency The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 107-128]

  • Initiation of Law Proposing of Law by Representatives in the Framework of the 75th Principle of Constitution [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 247-264]

  • Instances of third generation rights The Concept of ‘Third Generation Rights’ [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 167-196]

  • Instituting Competence The Concept and Function of "Competence" in Administrative Law [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 207-238]

  • Institutional Doctrine Institutional Doctrine of Law: Joseph Raz’s Last Solution for the Theory of a Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 283-310]

  • Institutionalism Legal Necessities of Institutional Budget [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 97-117]

  • Institutional Ownership Model Conflict Between “Institutional Ownership” and “Inventor Ownership” Systems in Publicly Funded Research [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 9-42]

  • Institutional Regulations The Role of the Environment in the World Trade Organization (WTO) [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-236]

  • Institution of Case Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 245-272]

  • Instruments of Legal Integration The Role of European Court of Justice in the Development of EU Legal Integration [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 57-83]

  • Insurance Special legal system governing the formation of insurance companies and institutions [(Articles in Press)]

  • Integration The Feasibility Study of Aggregation of Pension Funds in Iran’s Social Security [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 85-110]

  • Intellectual property law A Reflection on the Invalidation of Patents in the Light of Constituent Elements of Indirect Expropriation under Foreign Investment Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 203-233]

  • Intellectual property law An Evaluation of the Particular Examples of the Abuse of Dominant Position by the Use of Big Data in Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 215-250]

  • Intelligent State Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • Intentional termination The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]

  • Interaction of human rights and law of the sea Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]

  • Interconnector model " A review of international oil and gas pipeline agreements and its implication in the Iranian legal system [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 237-262]

  • Interdisciplinary studies The Legal Requirements of Governance in a Co-benefit Society: A Case Study of Modern Iran [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 157-180]

  • Interest of State Doctrine Reconsideration of the Interest of State Doctrine in the Light of Balance Theory [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 123-155]

  • Interests of the Host State Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Inter-generational Equity Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction as Common Heritage of Mankind [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 171-203]

  • Interim Measures Interim Measure and its enforcement in the European Court of Human Rights case-law [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 61-85]

  • Interim Measures The Binding Nature of Interim Measures Issued by Human Rights Treaty Bodies [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 227-256]

  • Internal armed conflict The Legality of Courts Established by Armed Groups in the Context of NIAC with an Emphasis on the Stockholm District Court Judgment [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 34-64]

  • Internal Rules of Procedure of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Rereading the Position of the Head of the Legislature in Iran's Constitutional Law System [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 81-108]

  • Internal Self-determination Employment of Internal Self-determination as an Effective Solution on the Way to Fight against Corruption and Realization of the Right to Development [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 69-97]

  • International Challenges of the International Criminal Court to follow up Sudanese President Case: African Union opposed to non-cooperation of its member states with the Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 69-89]

  • International arbitration Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • International arbitration The Relationship between International and Domestic Law in the Field of Attribution of Responsibility to a State in International Investment Disputes [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 91-117]

  • International arbitration Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]

  • International Arbitration Tribunals Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]

  • International Commercial Arbitration Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]

  • International Commercial Contracts Withdrawal from JCPOA and Compensation for Non-performance of International Commercial Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 9-33]

  • International community Investigating the impact of the mechanism of creating a Trans Governmental network in the international community [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 311-335]

  • International Community Values The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]

  • International Conflict Targeted killing in humanitarian law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 39-76]

  • International cooperation The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 47-70]

  • International cooperation The Cooperation Priciple in International Environmental Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 61-90]

  • International Courts Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • International Courts Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The Conflict between Citizens' Right to Privacy and the State's Right to Digitally Tracking People Infected or Suspected of Transmitting the Covid-19 Virus [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 9-42]

  • International Covenant on Economic Transgenic Food and Challenges Ahead on the Base of Right to Food [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 53-75]

  • International Criminal Court Necessities and Challenges of Evidences Disclosure; Manifestation of Defensive Rights of the Accused in ICC's Statute [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 47-67]

  • International Criminal Court The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]

  • International Criminal Court Challenge of Detained Witnesses’ Applying for Asylum from Host Government in the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 41-70]

  • International Criminal Tribunals The Approach of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda to the Principle of Legal Security [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 6-47]

  • International documents Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]

  • International documents The Standards of the Right to Peaceful Protest and the Government’s Responsibility to Facilitate Its Implementation in Light of International Documents [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 147-184]

  • International environmental law The Cooperation Priciple in International Environmental Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 61-90]

  • International environmental law Legal Requirements for Preventing Food Insecurity in Light of a Health Impact Assessment Approach; Covid 19 Outbreak Case Study [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 203-235]

  • International Environmental Principles Principles of International Environmental Law in Light of International Case Law [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 9-25]

  • International Environment Law Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • International Health Regulations A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]

  • International Health Regulations (2005) Suspension of Human Rights Commitments of States in Necessity: Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 111-140]

  • International Humanitarian Law Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]

  • International Humanitarian Law Derived International Responsibility Resulted from Aid or Assistance with Emphasis on Case of Use of Cluster Munitions in Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 109-135]

  • International Humanitarian Law Theories on Necessity of Observing Rules of International Humanitarian Law by Non State Armed Groups in the Light of Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Humanitarian Law Enforcement The Foundation of International Humanitarian Law Enforcement: State Obligations to Respect and to Ensure Respect [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 125-154]

  • International Human Rights Law The International Obligations of Human Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 165-191]

  • International Instrument The Relationship between Subsequent Custom and Treaty within the Framework of Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 137-163]

  • International Instruments on Environment Obligations and Responsibility of States in the Protection and Conservation of Environment against Wastes, With an Emphasis on Hazardous Wastes [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 165-200]

  • International Investment Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]

  • International Investment Arbitrary Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • International Investment Arbitration The Effect of "Fork in the Road" and on Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Arbitral Tribunal in Foreign Investment Disputes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 37-56]

  • International Investment Arbitration The Right to Water in Investment Treaty Arbitration and Its Impact on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 331-367]

  • International Investment Law Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • International Investment Law Addressing the Legitimacy Crisis of Investment Arbitration Through its Harmonization with World Trade Organization Law [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 181-219]

  • International Investment Treaties The Relationship between International and Domestic Law in the Field of Attribution of Responsibility to a State in International Investment Disputes [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 91-117]

  • Internationalization Internationalization of Constitutional Laws; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 121-146]

  • International Jurisprudence The Position of General Principles of Law in the Interpretation of Treaties [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Jurisprudences The Vital National Interest in the Light of International Judicial Procedure (Jurisprudence) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 9-37]

  • International Law The Right to Remedial Secession in the light of National and Regional Judicial Decisions [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 9-37]

  • International Law Environmental Obligations of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 81-101]

  • International Law The Vital National Interest in the Light of International Judicial Procedure (Jurisprudence) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 9-37]

  • International Law Legal Conditions of Application of Universal Jurisdiction in international Law [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 97-122]

  • International Law The Statute of Rule of Law in International Law [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 171-196]

  • International Law towards the development of international law of internet [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 219-245]

  • International Law Precautionary in International Law: A Customary Principle or a General Principle of Law? [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 33-63]

  • International Law Utilization of Ilisu Dam in Turkey and the Rules of International Water Law [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 163-190]

  • International Law Humanization of environmental law in the light of human dignity [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 9-40]

  • International Law Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance and International Law: Common Concepts or New Approach? [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 107-140]

  • International Law Covid-19 Crisis and Due Diligence Principle in International Law [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 63-82]

  • International Law The Concept, Status, and Models of Equality in the International Literature on Women’s Rights [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 325-359]

  • International Law The Relationship between International and Domestic Law in the Field of Attribution of Responsibility to a State in International Investment Disputes [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 91-117]

  • International Law The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]

  • International Law Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]

  • International Law Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]

  • International Law Examining Afghan People's Right to Self-Determination in International Law, Emphasizing the Legal Status of the Self-proclaimed "Islamic EMARIT" Government [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 49-81]

  • International Law Commission Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • International Law Commission Compensation for Environmental Damages according to the Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities Adopted by International Law Commission (2006) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 141-165]

  • International Law Commission The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]

  • International Law Development The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 71-114]

  • International Law of the Sea Afghanistan's Obligation to Comply with Customary Rules Governing International Waterways [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 251-294]

  • International Legal Personality International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 215-243]

  • International NGOs Monitoring the Human Rights Implementation by International NGOs [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 29-57]

  • International Obligations Reserved Domain in the Awards of International Court of Justice [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • International Obligations Typology of International Obligations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 35-71]

  • International Obligations Theories on Necessity of Observing Rules of International Humanitarian Law by Non State Armed Groups in the Light of Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Obligations International obligations of governments in reducing risk and prevention of infectious diseases (with emphasis on the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic) [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Organization Responsibility The Doctrine of “Equivalent Protection”: Uncertainty on the Principle of Separation in the System of International Responsibility of Organizations [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 346-373]

  • International Organizations The Rule of Lex Specialis, as a Field for the Operation of Principle of Specialty of International Organization [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 169-189]

  • International Organizations The Conflict Between The constituent instrument of Intrnational Organization and The Security Council Resolutions [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 39-70]

  • International Organizations The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]

  • International Outer Space Law The Role of ITU in the Codification and Development of International Space Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 141-172]

  • International Peace and Security New Interpretation on Peace and International Security and Its Influence on the National Sovereignty [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 83-109]

  • International Relations Principles of International Environmental Law in Light of International Case Law [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 9-25]

  • International Responsibilities International law's approach regarding states' obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of attaining the goal of countering global climate change. [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Responsibility Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • International Responsibility International Responsibility of States for Private Company’s Conduct Thorough the Lens of InternationalJudicial and Arbitral Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 115-140]

  • International Responsibility The Rule of Lex Specialis, as a Field for the Operation of Principle of Specialty of International Organization [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 169-189]

  • International Responsibility Succession of States in Respect of the Right to Reparation [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 279-300]

  • International Solidarity Right to Solidarity and Iinternational Solidarity: Challenges Ahead and the Most Recent Changes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 107-132]

  • International sports law Challenges of Creating a National Arbitration Court for Sports: A Comparative Study with regard to CAS [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 35-60]

  • International sports law The Legal Nature of "Match-Fixing" in International Sports Law [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 155-194]

  • International Tax Agreements A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]

  • International Treaties Citing National Security Exceptions in the System of International Treaties [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 45-78]

  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea A Comparative Study of “Precautionary Principle” in Opinions and Decisions of Internationals Tribunals [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 141-164]

  • International Tribunals Precautionary in International Law: A Customary Principle or a General Principle of Law? [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 33-63]

  • International Watercourses human rights requirements of states in the utilization of international watercourses: a Case study of Hirmand [(Articles in Press)]

  • International Water Law The Concept and Realm of the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization of Shared Water Resources: From the Perspective of International Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 9-44]

  • International Waterways Afghanistan's Obligation to Comply with Customary Rules Governing International Waterways [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 251-294]

  • Internet Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance and International Law: Common Concepts or New Approach? [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 107-140]

  • Internet Censorship Principles of Codification for the Laws and Regulations of the Internet with the Emphasis on UNESCO and European Council Documents [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 43-82]

  • Internet Filtering Imperatives and challenges of the legal of news websites in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 1-26]

  • Internet Rights Principles of Codification for the Laws and Regulations of the Internet with the Emphasis on UNESCO and European Council Documents [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 43-82]

  • Internet Rights Imperatives and challenges of the legal of news websites in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 1-26]

  • Interpellation of President Reconsideration of the President’s Responsibility before the Islamic Consultative Assembly: Interpellation or Impeachment [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 127-162]

  • Interpretation of treaties Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Interpretation of treaties The Position of General Principles of Law in the Interpretation of Treaties [(Articles in Press)]

  • Intervention by invitation Examining the Legality of Intervention by Invitation: A Critical Approach to Interventions in Mali, Ukraine, Syria and Yemen [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 289-317]

  • Intervention by invitation Intervention by Invitation in Post-Election Disputes: The Analysis of the Security Council Practice in the Gambia (2017) [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 284-312]

  • Intuitive Law The Intuitive Law of Léon Petrazycki: Transition from Reason and Nature of Objects to Empirical Intuition as Validity of Law [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 215-246]

  • In Using Language The Train of Universality of Human Rights on the Railway of Wittgenstein (from an Ideal language to a vague one) [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 9-31]

  • Inventor Ownership Model Conflict Between “Institutional Ownership” and “Inventor Ownership” Systems in Publicly Funded Research [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 9-42]

  • Investiture vote Re-analysis of the Nature of Investiture Vote in Constitutional Law of Islamic Republic of Iran In Comparasion to Appointment Confirmation process [(Articles in Press)]

  • Investment Arbitration Relevance of the Investor's Practice and Behavior to the Adjustment of Compensation Arising out of the Breach of Investment Treaties' Standards of Protection [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 119-143]

  • Investment Arbitration Regime The Pros and Cons of Third Party Funding in the International Investment Arbitration Regime [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 47-79]

  • Investment Arbitrations The International Obligations of Human Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 165-191]

  • Investment contracts Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Investment Disputes The International Obligations of Human Rights in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 165-191]

  • Investment Disputes Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]

  • Investment Treaty Arbitration The Effect of "Fork in the Road" and on Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Arbitral Tribunal in Foreign Investment Disputes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 37-56]

  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement Addressing the Legitimacy Crisis of Investment Arbitration Through its Harmonization with World Trade Organization Law [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 181-219]

  • Iran A comparative study of the execution process of municipal budget in Iran and France [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 207-236]

  • Iran admiralty court Ensuring Access to Courts for Seafarers: Examining Iran's Admiralty Court [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 83-118]

  • Iranian Legal System The Competent Authorities for Addressing the Recruitment Complaints in the Iranian Legal System; Ambiguities and Solutions [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 27-46]

  • Iranian Legislative System Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Iran′ laws and regulations the law governing the decommissioning of oil and gas installations [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 133-163]

  • Iran Parliamentary Election The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]

  • Iran Retirement System The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]

  • Iran’s Approach A Study on the Necessity and Criteria of Delimitation of Outer Space [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 213-242]

  • Iran’s legal system Constitutionalisation and Public Policy-Making: An Analysis of Position and Function of Public Policy-Making in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 9-41]

  • Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal International Responsibility of States for Private Company’s Conduct Thorough the Lens of InternationalJudicial and Arbitral Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 115-140]

  • Iraq-Iran War Use of Chemical Weapons in the Iraq-Iran War under the Perspective of International Criminal Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 129-152]

  • Islam From Saving the Government to Saving Social Discipline [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 43-64]

  • Islam The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]

  • Islamic Consultative Assembly Reconsideration of the President’s Responsibility before the Islamic Consultative Assembly: Interpellation or Impeachment [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 127-162]

  • Islamic criminal code The changes of civil liability of state for issuing and enforcement of judicial decision after ratification of new Islamic criminal code and the code of criminal procedure [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 168-191]

  • Islamic Governance The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 81-112]

  • Islamic interpretation The Limits of the Competence of the Jurists of the Guardian Council in Supervising the Application of the General Principles of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 185-214]

  • Islamic law Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]

  • Islamic radicalism The Challenges of government in Pakistan and future possibilities [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 119-153]

  • Islamic Republic of Iran The Possibility to Use the Right to Be Wrong in the Eyes of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 233-264]

  • Islamic supervision The Limits of the Competence of the Jurists of the Guardian Council in Supervising the Application of the General Principles of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 185-214]

  • Islamic Voiding Regulations Obligation to Express Causes of Law in Islamic Voiding of Regulations in the Light of the Guardian Council’s Jurisprudence [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 72-93]

  • Italy State of Emergency and Limitation of Fundamental Rights: The Measures of the Italian Government to Fight against Covid-19 [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 41-61]


  • Joint and Several Liability Implementation of the Principle of Joint and Several Liability in the System of International Responsibility [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 253-292]

  • Joint Operating Company TThe New Model of Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and the Problem of Technology Transfer in Oil Industry [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 83-107]

  • Judge Narrowness or expansion of the realm of public rights and interest from the perspective of purposive interpration [(Articles in Press)]

  • Judges of Courts Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]

  • Judges of the Branches of the Administrative Justice Court Implicit Revocation of Government Regulations in the Branches of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 193-219]

  • Judgment Reasonableness and Legality of Judicial Decisions by the General Board of Administrative Justice Court; Defect in Invoking to the Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 261-289]

  • Judgments Citation of Constitutional Principles of the Judgments of the Courts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 69-105]

  • Judicial Corruption The Role of Media in Judicial Transparency [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 9-33]

  • Judicial Independence A Qualitative Assessment of Judicial Independence in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 83-126]

  • Judicial independence" The fate of the constitution in the first Pahlavi period [(Articles in Press)]

  • Judicial Law Making The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 71-114]

  • Judicial Mechanism Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]

  • Judicial Precautions The Role of the ICJ in the Development of International Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 71-114]

  • Judicial Precedent Conflict in the Implementation of Human Rights; Challenges and Resolutions [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 257-289]

  • Judicial Supervision Analyzing Licensing System for Music Concert and Its Supervision in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 140-164]

  • Judiciary A Historical Analysis of the Duality of Litigation Process in Matters of Responsibility of State in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 243-265]

  • Jump" A Critique on the Housing Production Jump Law with an Emphasis on the Implementation of the law Regarding the Lands and Properties of Universities in the Light of Case Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Jurisdiction Reserved Domain in the Awards of International Court of Justice [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • Jurisdiction The Competent Authorities for Addressing the Recruitment Complaints in the Iranian Legal System; Ambiguities and Solutions [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 27-46]

  • Jurisdiction Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Jurisdiction Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Jurisdiction Foreign Investment Contracts and Scope of Host State Commitments Arising From Treaty [Volume 18, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 81-109]

  • Jurisdiction Legal Nature of the Jurisdiction of Coastal State on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Contiguous Zone [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 119-141]

  • Jurisdiction The Right to Water in Investment Treaty Arbitration and Its Impact on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 331-367]

  • Jurisdictional Conflicts in Arbitration The Effect of "Fork in the Road" and on Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Arbitral Tribunal in Foreign Investment Disputes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 37-56]

  • Jurisdiction competence Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal The Effect of "Fork in the Road" and on Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Arbitral Tribunal in Foreign Investment Disputes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 37-56]

  • Jurisdiction over the counterclaim counterclaim in practice of international court of justice [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 123-148]

  • Jurisprudence Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Jurisprudence Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Jurists of The Guardian Council Obligation to Express Causes of Law in Islamic Voiding of Regulations in the Light of the Guardian Council’s Jurisprudence [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 72-93]

  • Jurists of The Guardian Council The Limits of the Competence of the Jurists of the Guardian Council in Supervising the Application of the General Principles of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 185-214]

  • Jury Iranian Jury: From the Geometry of Adaptation in the Constitutional Period to the Art of Transformation in the Islamic Republic Era [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 155-184]

  • Jus ad bellum Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • Jus Cogens The Statute of Rule of Law in International Law [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 171-196]

  • Jus Cogens Confrontation of Immunity and Responsibility Arising from Violation of Jus Cogens Norms in the ICJ Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 237-270]


  • Kelo case Analysis the concept of “Eminent Domain” Case Study Public Use Clause with special reference to “Kelo” case [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 1-1]

  • Keywords: Article 10 The Relationship between Subsequent Custom and Treaty within the Framework of Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 137-163]

  • Keywords: Attribution The Relationship between International and Domestic Law in the Field of Attribution of Responsibility to a State in International Investment Disputes [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 91-117]

  • Key words: Countermeasures Countermeasures for Human Rights Obligations [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 34-58]

  • Keywords: Covid-19 Covid-19 Crisis and Environmental Law: Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 193-218]

  • Keywords: ICJ ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]

  • Key words: International Human Rights Law The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 47-70]

  • Kosovo ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]


  • Labor The Criterion to Distinguish "Worker" from "Employee" in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 217-232]

  • Labor Contract The Criterion to Distinguish "Worker" from "Employee" in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 217-232]

  • Labor rights The Global Compact as a Supplementary Agreement to Regulate Multinational Enterprises [(Articles in Press)]

  • Lack of Qualification Reconsideration of the President’s Responsibility before the Islamic Consultative Assembly: Interpellation or Impeachment [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 127-162]

  • Land Planning Mechanisms and Challenges of Land Planning Application in Location of Industries in the Iranian Environmental Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 217-251]

  • Lanzarote Convention A reflection on Lanzarote Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 125-155]

  • Latin Notary Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]

  • Laughlin Laughlin's interpretation of Oakeshott's thought in public law, (Emphasizing the concept of practice) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Lawmaking The role of civil society in lawmaking in the globalization era With emphasize on non-governmental organizations [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 265-288]

  • Law of Budget Proposing of Law by Representatives in the Framework of the 75th Principle of Constitution [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 247-264]

  • Law of Finds Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Law of the Sea Humanization of Law of Sea in Perspective of Interaction between Law of Sea and Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 213-239]

  • Law Regime Analyzing 2008 International Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 9-33]

  • Laws in force Causes of Failures in Codification of Laws in Iran Legal System [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 131-164]

  • La Zarar rule The Right to Be Forgotten Evaluated: A Necessity Caused by Virtual World or a Threat to the Freedom of Expression!? [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 113-135]

  • Legal basis for the establishment of a court The Legality of Courts Established by Armed Groups in the Context of NIAC with an Emphasis on the Stockholm District Court Judgment [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 34-64]

  • Legal Basis for Vice Presidency Feasibility of Appointing a Vice President in the Legal Jurisdiction of the Ministries [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 275-303]

  • Legal constitution creation and Developments of the concept of political constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Legal Globalization Feasibility Study on the Process of Rulemaking as the Bases of Diverse Rules in the Globalization (Does the Base of Legal Rules Turn to Objectivity?) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 191-211]

  • Legal Instruments Capacity of the International Investment Arbitration Mechanism in Environmental Protection [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 273-310]

  • Legal Interpretation Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 41-63]

  • Legal Monism Legal Pluralism Reflection on the of Binding Nature of Legal Rule and Parameters of the Evolution of Legal System [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 135-163]

  • Legal Nature of JCPOA Withdrawal from JCPOA and Compensation for Non-performance of International Commercial Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 9-33]

  • Legal Obedience Foundations of Legal Obedience: Natural and Analytical Jurisprudence Perspective [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 9-45]

  • Legal Order Typology of International Obligations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 35-71]

  • Legal Pluralism Legal Pluralism Reflection on the of Binding Nature of Legal Rule and Parameters of the Evolution of Legal System [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 135-163]

  • Legal Position of Resolutions Legal Position of Resolutions Drafted by Board of Trustees of Universities and Educational Institutions [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 35-69]

  • Legal Realism Possibility and impossibility of interdisciplinary studies in LAW Case study: sociology of public law [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 269-290]

  • Legal Rule Comparative Analysis of Traditional Voluntarism in the Naseri Era and Modern Voluntarism [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 313-342]

  • Legal security The Approach of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda to the Principle of Legal Security [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 6-47]

  • Legal state Rule of Law in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 289-315]

  • Legal Systems The Approach of the Constitutional Courts of the EU Member States to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 257-278]

  • Legal thought schools From Idealism to Realism; a Survey in the Basis of International Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 259-293]

  • Legislative Independence Legal Position of Resolutions Drafted by Board of Trustees of Universities and Educational Institutions [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 35-69]

  • Legislative Inflation Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Legislative Principles Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Legislative Sectoralization Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Legislative Studies Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Legitimate Expectation The Development of the Right to Hearing in Administrative Law of England [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-206]

  • Legitimate Expectations “Legitimate Expectation” in the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 9-32]

  • Léon Petrazycki The Intuitive Law of Léon Petrazycki: Transition from Reason and Nature of Objects to Empirical Intuition as Validity of Law [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 215-246]

  • Liability Applicable Law to International Multimodal Transport Contracts for Goods [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 155-190]

  • Liability for Damages An In-depth Analysis of the Initial Draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Right to Environment [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 9-47]

  • Liability of States for Acts not Prohibited Principles of Prohibition of Nutritional Consumption and Trade of Wild Animals under International Law: The Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus from Animals to Humans [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 167-191]

  • Liberty of Subjects consiseth in Liberty from convenants Review of the Persian Translation of Leviathan in the Light of Public Law Concepts [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 215-239]

  • Licenses and Issuance of Certificates The Role of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization in Maintaining Aviation Safety [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 69-105]

  • Licensing System Analyzing Supervision Method over Dramatic and Cinema Works in The Constitutional Legal System of iran(1928-1979) [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 61-89]

  • Licensing System Analyzing Licensing System for Music Concert and Its Supervision in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 140-164]

  • Limitation for Trademarks Lessons Learned from Philip Morris V. Uruguay Regarding the Approaches Taken in the Investment Protection Treaties of Iran towards Expropriation of Intellectual Property [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 239-274]

  • Linguistic Ambiguity Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 41-63]

  • Linguistic Minorities The Relationship between the Right to Mother Tongue and National Security and Territorial Unity [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 221-253]

  • Living Constitution Living Constitution; History and Approaches [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 183-216]

  • Local Management The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 71-100]

  • Local Units The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 71-100]

  • London Convention 1975 Environmental Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage under the Seabed [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 85-105]

  • Looking-over Seeing Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]


  • Manifest The Carrier’s Duty of Customs Summary Declaration [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 137-169]

  • Margin of Appreciation Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 61-82]

  • Margin of Appreciation Doctrine The Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 73-103]

  • Marine Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction as Common Heritage of Mankind [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 171-203]

  • Marine Protected Areas Creation of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas; A New United Nations Model and its Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 361-388]

  • Market Competition Law on Digital Platforms; The need to Revise Traditional Rules [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 7-40]

  • Marxism Freedom from the perspective of liberalism and Marxism: With emphasis on votes Berlin and Marx [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 109-140]

  • Mashruteh Constitution Emulation in Drafting the Mashruteh Constitution; Model Laws and the Role of Authors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Match-fixing The Legal Nature of "Match-Fixing" in International Sports Law [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 155-194]

  • Maximum Utilization of Local Content A Survey on the Legal Requirements of Local Content Utilization in the Upstream Petroleum Industry [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 64-96]

  • Max Weber Max Weber and Constitutional Law Issues [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 43-77]

  • Media The Role of Media in Judicial Transparency [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 9-33]

  • Medicine The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Product Advertising Regulations in Time of Corona Crisis: Comparative Study of the Iranian and British Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 199-230]

  • Member States The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]

  • Merida Convention Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]

  • Micula Case Problems of Enforcement of ICSID Awards: An Analysis of Micula Case [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 233-256]

  • MIGA The Role of Foreign Investment Insurer in Sustainable Investment with Emphasis on MIGA's Practice [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 44-69]

  • Migration A Reflection on Global Compact on Migration [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 142-174]

  • Military Necessity Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 9-27]

  • Minimum Percentage of 51% A Survey on the Legal Requirements of Local Content Utilization in the Upstream Petroleum Industry [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 64-96]

  • Minorities Protection of Minorities' culture and cultural rights under the Light of CESCR's General Comment NO.21 [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Mirza Hossein Khan Sepahsalar An analysis of the relation between reforms implemented by Amir Kabir and Sepahsalar in the judiciary system of the Nasery era [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 192-218]

  • MirzamalkamKhan Nazem Al-Dawla Studying the Concept of Law in pre-constitutional with emphasis on the Opinions of Mirzamalkamkhan Nazim al-Dawla [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mirza Naeini Comparison of the approach of Mirza Naeini and Mirza Yusuf Khan Mustasharadullah in formulation The "new law" in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mitigation of Loss Relevance of the Investor's Practice and Behavior to the Adjustment of Compensation Arising out of the Breach of Investment Treaties' Standards of Protection [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 119-143]

  • Mobile Number Portability Technology Legal Challenges Facing Mobile Number Portability Technology and Government Supervision: With Emphasis on Ratifications 189 and 232 of Communications Regulatory Commission [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 9-28]

  • Model constitutions Emulation in Drafting the Mashruteh Constitution; Model Laws and the Role of Authors [(Articles in Press)]

  • Modern Administrative Law The Theory of Abuse of Authority in Modern Administrative Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Modern Law Legal Pluralism Reflection on the of Binding Nature of Legal Rule and Parameters of the Evolution of Legal System [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 135-163]

  • Modern Law Comparative Analysis of Traditional Voluntarism in the Naseri Era and Modern Voluntarism [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 313-342]

  • Modern Voluntarism Comparative Analysis of Traditional Voluntarism in the Naseri Era and Modern Voluntarism [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 313-342]

  • Monitoring Monitoring the Human Rights Implementation by International NGOs [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 29-57]

  • Monopoly Copyright Span Toward Governmental Information [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 109-140]

  • Monopoly The Study of Regulatory Agencies on Electricity Market in the Law of Iran and the United States of America [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 193-220]

  • Morality Comparative Study of the Limits of Freedom of Expression on Television from the Perspective of International Documents on Human Rights and Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 153-177]

  • Moral Obedience Foundations of Legal Obedience: Natural and Analytical Jurisprudence Perspective [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 9-45]

  • Moral obligation Foundations of Legal Obedience: Natural and Analytical Jurisprudence Perspective [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 9-45]

  • Mosadegh A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]

  • Mosque Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]

  • Most Favored Nations Clause Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • Multidisciplinary Studies Possibility and impossibility of interdisciplinary studies in LAW Case study: sociology of public law [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 269-290]

  • Multimodal Transportation Applicable Law to International Multimodal Transport Contracts for Goods [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 155-190]

  • Multinational Enterprises Regulation The Global Compact as a Supplementary Agreement to Regulate Multinational Enterprises [(Articles in Press)]

  • Multi-Stakeholder Governance Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance and International Law: Common Concepts or New Approach? [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 107-140]

  • Multi-tier System The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]

  • Mustasharadullah Comparison of the approach of Mirza Naeini and Mirza Yusuf Khan Mustasharadullah in formulation The "new law" in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mu'tazilites Theory Legal Foundations of Modern State; The Idea of "Referring State to the Concept of Etzali Right" [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 299-324]

  • Mutual Agreement Procedure Arbitrability of International Tax Disputes [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 117-142]

  • Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]


  • Narcissism Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • Naser-al-din shah An analysis of the relation between reforms implemented by Amir Kabir and Sepahsalar in the judiciary system of the Nasery era [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 192-218]

  • Naseri era Comparative Analysis of Traditional Voluntarism in the Naseri Era and Modern Voluntarism [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 313-342]

  • National Assembly" The fate of the constitution in the first Pahlavi period [(Articles in Press)]

  • National Aviation Organization The Role of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization in Maintaining Aviation Safety [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 69-105]

  • National Courts An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • National Identity Investigating the reasons of Achaemenian Empire Collapse [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2006, Pages 79-119]

  • National Implementation Monitoring the Human Rights Implementation by International NGOs [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 29-57]

  • National Interests Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]

  • Nationality Racial Discrimination Based on National Origin in the Light of the ICJ Judgement of 4 February 2021 in Qatar v. UAE Case [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 37-74]

  • Nationality Planning Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]

  • National Origin Racial Discrimination Based on National Origin in the Light of the ICJ Judgement of 4 February 2021 in Qatar v. UAE Case [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 37-74]

  • National Security The Relationship between the Right to Mother Tongue and National Security and Territorial Unity [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 221-253]

  • National Sovereignty and Independence New Interpretation on Peace and International Security and Its Influence on the National Sovereignty [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 83-109]

  • Natural law The Intuitive Law of Léon Petrazycki: Transition from Reason and Nature of Objects to Empirical Intuition as Validity of Law [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 215-246]

  • Natural law Foundations of Legal Obedience: Natural and Analytical Jurisprudence Perspective [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 9-45]

  • Natural law A Critical Study of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Proposing for an Islamic Standard [(Articles in Press)]

  • Natural Rights Human Nature as a Criterion against Relativity of Human Rights [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 59-85]

  • Natural Rights The foundations of the legitimacy of the unwritten constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Nature Human Nature as a Criterion against Relativity of Human Rights [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 59-85]

  • Nature Nature of Supervisory Council on Executing Constitution in Iran and Algeria [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 37-59]

  • Nature of State Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • Nazm Studying the Concept of Law in pre-constitutional with emphasis on the Opinions of Mirzamalkamkhan Nazim al-Dawla [(Articles in Press)]

  • Negotiation A Legal Analysis of the Structure of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of International Tax Agreements [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 215-252]

  • Neutrality The Relationship between State and Ethics in the Doctrine of Professor Naser Katouzian [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 255-287]

  • Neutrality The legal approach to the feasibility of realizing the public sphere in the context of neutrality approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • New intellect Comparison of the approach of Mirza Naeini and Mirza Yusuf Khan Mustasharadullah in formulation The "new law" in Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • New-Kantian Reading of modern State The Impossible State: A Critical Reading of Hallaq’s Theory on Impossibility of Islamic Modern State [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 81-112]

  • New Model of IPC TThe New Model of Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and the Problem of Technology Transfer in Oil Industry [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 83-107]

  • News Websites Imperatives and challenges of the legal of news websites in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 1-26]

  • NGO Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]

  • Non-competitive Situation The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Non-compliance Procedures State’s Compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Role of Exchange of Information in It [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 92-125]

  • Non-delegation Doctrine- Principle of delegate poteatas non potest delegaie Analyzing Principle of Non-delegation in the Light of the Principle of Constitutional Supremacy; A Critical Review of Guardian Councils Views [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 77-99]

  • Non- Derogable Rights Conflict in the Implementation of Human Rights; Challenges and Resolutions [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 257-289]

  • Non-Discrimination The Effect of Human Rights Rules on Private international Law In the Light of European Court of Human Rights Judgments [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 133-154]

  • Non-Discrimination Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 61-82]

  • Non-Discrimination Human rights, the right to health and artificial intelligence [(Articles in Press)]

  • Non-governmental organizations The role of civil society in lawmaking in the globalization era With emphasize on non-governmental organizations [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 265-288]

  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 215-243]

  • Non-international Armed Conflict Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 9-27]

  • Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen Theories on Necessity of Observing Rules of International Humanitarian Law by Non State Armed Groups in the Light of Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen [(Articles in Press)]

  • Non-intervention The Legality of the Creation of “Safe Zone” in Syrian Northern Borders with Turkey in Accordance with International Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 10-41]

  • Non-judicial Supervision and Control The Role of Ombudsmen in Developement and Progression of Democracy [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 129-166]

  • Non-Precluded Measures Scope of Obligation of the Host State for Protection of Foreign Investor in Armed Conflicts [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 9-38]

  • Non-refoulement Prohibition of Reservation to the Principle of Non-Refoulement of Refugees in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 241-276]

  • Non-sovereign act Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Non-state Actors Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • Non state armed groups Theories on Necessity of Observing Rules of International Humanitarian Law by Non State Armed Groups in the Light of Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen [(Articles in Press)]

  • Non-Tariff Barriers Iran’s Technical Barriers to Trade in Light of the Law of the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 181-211]

  • No-reference Approach Lessons Learned from Philip Morris V. Uruguay Regarding the Approaches Taken in the Investment Protection Treaties of Iran towards Expropriation of Intellectual Property [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 239-274]

  • Northern Syria The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]

  • Norway Retirement System The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]

  • Notification System Positional analysis of Principle 27 in Iran's Constitutional Law System [(Articles in Press)]


  • Oakeshott Laughlin's interpretation of Oakeshott's thought in public law, (Emphasizing the concept of practice) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Obligations and Responsibility of States Obligations and Responsibility of States in the Protection and Conservation of Environment against Wastes, With an Emphasis on Hazardous Wastes [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 165-200]

  • Obligations of States International law's approach regarding states' obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the purpose of attaining the goal of countering global climate change. [(Articles in Press)]

  • Obligation to prevent Analysis of the Elements of Obligation to Prevent Trans boundary Environmental Harm [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 243-268]

  • Obligation to prevent The Obligation of the State of Origin and Other States to Prevent of Corona’s (Covid-19) Transboundary Damages [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 83-111]

  • Obligation to Respect The Foundation of International Humanitarian Law Enforcement: State Obligations to Respect and to Ensure Respect [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 125-154]

  • Obligatory Currency Contract Judicial Review of Administrative Court of Justice in Times of Economic Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 129-159]

  • Observer’s Fee Government’s supervision on endowments: study on challenges of receiving observer’s fee from endowments by endowment and charity affairs organization [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 199-216]

  • Offshore Oil and Gas Installations Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations under the International Law [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 59-63]

  • Offshore Residuals Disposal Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations under the International Law [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 59-63]

  • Oil and Gas Industry A Review of Environmental Requirements Applicable on the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Stipulated in theFundamental Legal Instruments of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 217-242]

  • Oil and gas laws of Iran Rules and Regualtions Prevailing on Foreign Investment in Upstream Oil Industry Projects of Iran, with Particular Reference to the Buy-Back Facilitations Method [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 37-68]

  • Oil Law ReSsources An Assessment of Oil Legislation Sources Adequacy in National Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Development in Upstream Sector [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 115-136]

  • Omar al-Bashir Challenges of the International Criminal Court to follow up Sudanese President Case: African Union opposed to non-cooperation of its member states with the Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 69-89]

  • Ombudsman The Role of Ombudsmen in Developement and Progression of Democracy [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 129-166]

  • Oppressive Decisions Principle of Unreasonableness in Administrative Law and its Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 105-129]

  • Organizational Democracy Democratizing Administration: an Opportunity to Restore Direct Democracy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Organizational Judicial Independence A Qualitative Assessment of Judicial Independence in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 83-126]

  • Original Position Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Outside-Systematic Approach Legal Necessities of Institutional Budget [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 97-117]

  • Overall Control Attribution of Private-Persons’ Wrongful Acts to a State: Standard of Control in Jurisprudence of Iran-U.S Claims Tribunal [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 81-108]

  • Overriding Mandatory Rules Inclusion of the Sanctions as the Overriding Mandatory Rules in Referring to the Governing law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 234-258]


  • Palermo Convention Criminal Liability of the Corporations in the Iranian Law and International Documents [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 63-93]

  • Pandemic Covid-19 Crisis and Environmental Law: Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 193-218]

  • Parallel Proceedings The Effect of "Fork in the Road" and on Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Arbitral Tribunal in Foreign Investment Disputes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 37-56]

  • Participation International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 215-243]

  • Patent Legal Nature of Compulsory Licensing under Patent Law: Regulatory Measure or Expropriation? [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 149-181]

  • Pathology Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]

  • Patient Adherence A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Peace Women's Triangle, Peace and Security in Afghanistan from the Perspective of the United Nations Security Council [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 343-380]

  • Peace The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 95-132]

  • Peaceful coexistence Tolerance in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 71-113]

  • Peaceful Protest The Standards of the Right to Peaceful Protest and the Government’s Responsibility to Facilitate Its Implementation in Light of International Documents [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 147-184]

  • Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes Principles of International Environmental Law in Light of International Case Law [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 9-25]

  • Peacekeeping operation An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Pension The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 9-40]

  • Pension Fund Company Management of Pension Funds in the Social Security System of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 271-295]

  • People Hannah Arendt; The Constitution and Constituent Power [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 47-94]

  • People'؛ s sovereignty The foundations of the legitimacy of the unwritten constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Perennial budgeting The principle of annual nature of budget and perennial budgeting [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 83-108]

  • Performance Inspection Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]

  • Permanent Court of International Justice Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Permanent Court of International Justice Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Permanent Establishment - Centre of Vital Interests –Place of Effective Management – Treaty Shopping – Conduit Companies Determining the Right Tax Jurisdiction in Bilateral Taxation Treaties and Preventing Abuse of the "Permanent Establishment" Concept [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 35-58]

  • Permission System Positional analysis of Principle 27 in Iran's Constitutional Law System [(Articles in Press)]

  • Personal data An Evaluation of the Particular Examples of the Abuse of Dominant Position by the Use of Big Data in Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 215-250]

  • Petroleum Industry A Survey on the Legal Requirements of Local Content Utilization in the Upstream Petroleum Industry [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 64-96]

  • Philosophical Investigations The Train of Universality of Human Rights on the Railway of Wittgenstein (from an Ideal language to a vague one) [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 9-31]

  • Philosophy of international law From Idealism to Realism; a Survey in the Basis of International Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 259-293]

  • Placebo Effect A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Planned Bands Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • Police Power Criteria Analysis of the New Approach to International Investment Law In Relation to the Public Interest of Host Government [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 231-262]

  • Police Powers Doctrine Lessons Learned from Philip Morris V. Uruguay Regarding the Approaches Taken in the Investment Protection Treaties of Iran towards Expropriation of Intellectual Property [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 239-274]

  • Policie lLegal Position and Scope of the Decisions of the Council of Money and Credit [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 141-180]

  • Political-Administrative Centralization Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De localisation of Tehran [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 43-74]

  • Political Approach to Budget Legal Necessities of Institutional Budget [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 97-117]

  • Political constitution creation and Developments of the concept of political constitution [(Articles in Press)]

  • Political Fear Freedom from Fear [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 39-79]

  • Political speeches Legal Standards on Criticism of Government and Public Officials [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 9-46]

  • Polluting Resources Irregularities and Weaknesses of the Clean Air Act Compared to the Prevention of Air Pollution Act [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 141-170]

  • Pollution Rights and Duties of Governments to Prevent and Compensate Pollution of the Sea Resulting from the Transportation of Oil: A Study of International Declarations, Conventions and Awards [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 175-198]

  • Pollution A Review of Environmental Requirements Applicable on the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Stipulated in theFundamental Legal Instruments of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 217-242]

  • Portfolio Company Management of Pension Funds in the Social Security System of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 271-295]

  • Positive Discrimination The Legal System of Recognized Religious Minorities’ Members of Iran Parliament in the Light of Equality Principle [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 39-68]

  • Positive Discrimination Supporting Employees of Arduous or Hazardous Clinical Jobs in the Light of the Case Law of the Administrative Court of Justice [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 41-81]

  • Positive Law A Study on the Necessity and Criteria of Delimitation of Outer Space [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 213-242]

  • Positive Law The Intuitive Law of Léon Petrazycki: Transition from Reason and Nature of Objects to Empirical Intuition as Validity of Law [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 215-246]

  • Positivism Institutional Doctrine of Law: Joseph Raz’s Last Solution for the Theory of a Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 283-310]

  • Post-modern Law Legal Pluralism Reflection on the of Binding Nature of Legal Rule and Parameters of the Evolution of Legal System [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 135-163]

  • Postmodern Power A Foucauldian Analysis of Post-Modern Concept of Sovereignty in the Light of Public Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 9-32]

  • Post-regulatory State The Evolution of Government Intervention in Economyfrom the Perspective of Public Law-Welfare to Post Regulatory Governments [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 185-204]

  • Post-regulatory State A Foucauldian Analysis of Post-Modern Concept of Sovereignty in the Light of Public Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 9-32]

  • Poverty Reduction Citizen Participation in International Development Law: Grounds, Obstacles and Supporting Ways [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 143-169]

  • Power Concept of Power and Public Order in Postmodern Thought [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 9-32]

  • Power of the President Feasibility of Appointing a Vice President in the Legal Jurisdiction of the Ministries [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 275-303]

  • Practice The commitment of the German government to the standards governing the exploitation of shared waters [(Articles in Press)]

  • Practice Laughlin's interpretation of Oakeshott's thought in public law, (Emphasizing the concept of practice) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Precautio Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]

  • Precautionary principle A Comparative Study of “Precautionary Principle” in Opinions and Decisions of Internationals Tribunals [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 141-164]

  • Precautionary principle Approach of Coastal State and Flag State in Light of Instruments and Principles of International Law Confronting the Illegal Performance of the Flagship [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 241-269]

  • Precautionary Protection Precautionary and Contributory Protection of Passenger’s Rights in Case of Airline’s Bankruptcy [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 29-55]

  • Preliminary Rule The Approach of the Constitutional Courts of the EU Member States to the Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 257-278]

  • President Max Weber and Constitutional Law Issues [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 43-77]

  • President's incompetence Recognizing the Incompetency of the President in the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 9-36]

  • Prevention Rights and Duties of Governments to Prevent and Compensate Pollution of the Sea Resulting from the Transportation of Oil: A Study of International Declarations, Conventions and Awards [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 175-198]

  • Prevention International obligations of governments in reducing risk and prevention of infectious diseases (with emphasis on the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic) [(Articles in Press)]

  • Prevention of Air Pollution Act Irregularities and Weaknesses of the Clean Air Act Compared to the Prevention of Air Pollution Act [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 141-170]

  • Prevention of Disasters Principles of Prohibition of Nutritional Consumption and Trade of Wild Animals under International Law: The Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus from Animals to Humans [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 167-191]

  • Principle 27 Positional analysis of Principle 27 in Iran's Constitutional Law System [(Articles in Press)]

  • Principle 73 of I.R.Irans` Constitution Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 41-63]

  • Principle of consensuality Challenges of Creating a National Arbitration Court for Sports: A Comparative Study with regard to CAS [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 35-60]

  • Principle of Distinction Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 9-27]

  • Principle of Independence Challenges of Creating a National Arbitration Court for Sports: A Comparative Study with regard to CAS [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 35-60]

  • Principle of Precaution An In-depth Analysis of the Initial Draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Right to Environment [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 9-47]

  • Principle of Proportionality Principle of proportionality and non-international armed conflicts [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 9-27]

  • Principle of Separation The Doctrine of “Equivalent Protection”: Uncertainty on the Principle of Separation in the System of International Responsibility of Organizations [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 346-373]

  • Principle of the Administrative Freedom of Local Units The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 71-100]

  • Principles of Fair Trial The Role and Functioning of the National Lands Disputes Commission from the Perspective of a Fair Trial [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 155-177]

  • Principles of Priority of Local Affairs The Guiding Principles of Decentralization in French Law and its Comparison with the Iranian Law [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 71-100]

  • Private Interests Inclusion of the Sanctions as the Overriding Mandatory Rules in Referring to the Governing law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 234-258]

  • Private law Constitutionalisation of Private Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 209-234]

  • Private property Analysis the concept of “Eminent Domain” Case Study Public Use Clause with special reference to “Kelo” case [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 1-1]

  • Private Rights Examining the Ramifications of the Expanding Domain of Public Law in Iran's Legal Framework [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 119-156]

  • Private Sector The Obstacles to Establish the Desired Satellite Television Model in Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 9-39]

  • Privilege The Development of the Right to Hearing in Administrative Law of England [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-206]

  • Procedural Fairness Evaluation the Relation between Duty to Give Reasons Principle and Rule of Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 65-92]

  • Procedural law counterclaim in practice of international court of justice [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 123-148]

  • Procedural Norms Confrontation of Immunity and Responsibility Arising from Violation of Jus Cogens Norms in the ICJ Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 237-270]

  • Procedural Unity Vote Number 792 Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]

  • Procedure A Critical Research on the Administrative Justice Court's Procedure Bill [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 121-161]

  • Proceedings Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 245-272]

  • Producing Oil Production Equipment An Assessment of Oil Legislation Sources Adequacy in National Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Development in Upstream Sector [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 115-136]

  • Professional System Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]

  • Professor Naser Katouzian The Relationship between State and Ethics in the Doctrine of Professor Naser Katouzian [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 255-287]

  • Professor's Privilege Rule Conflict Between “Institutional Ownership” and “Inventor Ownership” Systems in Publicly Funded Research [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 9-42]

  • Project Assignment A Survey on the Legal Requirements of Local Content Utilization in the Upstream Petroleum Industry [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 64-96]

  • Properties Redefining Public Properties and Its effects in Iranian Legal system [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 65-96]

  • Proportionality Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]

  • Proportionality Suspension of Human Rights Commitments of States in Necessity: Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 111-140]

  • Proportionality Analysis of the New Approach to International Investment Law In Relation to the Public Interest of Host Government [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 231-262]

  • Proportionality Principle The Role of European Court of Justice in the Development of EU Legal Integration [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 57-83]

  • Prosecution The Comparative Analysis of the Effective Factors on Prosecution’s Legal-Constitutional Status among the Powers [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 131-162]

  • Protection and Conservation of Environment Obligations and Responsibility of States in the Protection and Conservation of Environment against Wastes, With an Emphasis on Hazardous Wastes [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 165-200]

  • Protection of Children A reflection on Lanzarote Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 125-155]

  • Protection of Human Rights International Responsibility of States for Private Company’s Conduct Thorough the Lens of InternationalJudicial and Arbitral Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 115-140]

  • Protection of the Right to Mental Health against Covid Protection of the Right to Mental health against Covid-19 in the light of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 9-39]

  • Protection of Witnesses and Victims Necessities and Challenges of Evidences Disclosure; Manifestation of Defensive Rights of the Accused in ICC's Statute [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 47-67]

  • Protective National Security Citing National Security Exceptions in the System of International Treaties [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 45-78]

  • Protesting An Introduction on the Legal System of the Right to Strike in Private Sector (France, Britain and Iran) [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 109-134]

  • Provisional measures Plausibility of Claims in Provisional Measures Adopted by ICJ [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 141-182]

  • Public Redefining Public Properties and Its effects in Iranian Legal system [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 65-96]

  • Public public sphere and perfectionism in constitutional law; Case study of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Public The legal approach to the feasibility of realizing the public sphere in the context of neutrality approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Public Domain Copyright Span Toward Governmental Information [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 109-140]

  • Public Function Doctrine The Concept of Public Services and its Evolution In the Light of Public Function Doctrine [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Public interests The Role and Functioning of the National Lands Disputes Commission from the Perspective of a Fair Trial [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 155-177]

  • Public interests Inclusion of the Sanctions as the Overriding Mandatory Rules in Referring to the Governing law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 234-258]

  • Public interests The Doctrine of Executive Necessity in Government Transactions and Distinguishing It from Similar Concepts: A Comparative Study of Iranian Legal System and Common Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 194-223]

  • Publicly Funded Research Conflict Between “Institutional Ownership” and “Inventor Ownership” Systems in Publicly Funded Research [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 9-42]

  • Public Managers Anthropology Reading of Heidegger and its Impact on Philosophy of Modern Public Law [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 135-152]

  • Public Notary Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]

  • Public Participation Employment of Internal Self-determination as an Effective Solution on the Way to Fight against Corruption and Realization of the Right to Development [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 69-97]

  • Public Participation The Role of Public Participation in Ensuring of Women's Access to the Right to Development [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 47-80]

  • Public Policy Making Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]

  • Public Policy Making Constitutionalisation and Public Policy-Making: An Analysis of Position and Function of Public Policy-Making in Iranian Legal System [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 9-41]

  • Public property Immunity from seizure of public properties in Iran; A critical and comparative Approach [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 84-108]

  • Public Rights Examining the Ramifications of the Expanding Domain of Public Law in Iran's Legal Framework [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 119-156]

  • Public use Analysis the concept of “Eminent Domain” Case Study Public Use Clause with special reference to “Kelo” case [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 1-1]

  • Purpose of Sanctions Inclusion of the Sanctions as the Overriding Mandatory Rules in Referring to the Governing law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 234-258]


  • Qatar Racial Discrimination Based on National Origin in the Light of the ICJ Judgement of 4 February 2021 in Qatar v. UAE Case [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 37-74]

  • Quadruple Tests Substantial Similarity in Copyright Infringement: Emphasizing on US Case Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 79-116]

  • Quaid 19 virus The Conflict between Citizens' Right to Privacy and the State's Right to Digitally Tracking People Infected or Suspected of Transmitting the Covid-19 Virus [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 9-42]

  • Qualification of nominees Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]


  • Racial Discrimination Racial Discrimination Based on National Origin in the Light of the ICJ Judgement of 4 February 2021 in Qatar v. UAE Case [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 37-74]

  • Rate of Insurance for Contractorship Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 29-59]

  • Ratifications 189 and 232 Legal Challenges Facing Mobile Number Portability Technology and Government Supervision: With Emphasis on Ratifications 189 and 232 of Communications Regulatory Commission [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 9-28]

  • Rationality Principle of Unreasonableness in Administrative Law and its Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 105-129]

  • Ratione Temporis Role of Abuse of Rights Doctrine and Investment Arbitration Ratione Temporis in Limiting Nationality Planning [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 107-141]

  • Rawls Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Realism Ontological Epistemology of Legal Propostions (By Focus on Islamic Legal Philosophy) [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 9-34]

  • Realism From Idealism to Realism; a Survey in the Basis of International Law [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 259-293]

  • Reasonable Certainty The Standards for Proving Damages and Its Amount: A Comparative Study under Transnational Instruments and International Arbitration Awards [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 75-113]

  • Reasonableness and Legality of Judicial Decisions Reasonableness and Legality of Judicial Decisions by the General Board of Administrative Justice Court; Defect in Invoking to the Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 261-289]

  • Reasonably Likely to Occur The Standards for Proving Damages and Its Amount: A Comparative Study under Transnational Instruments and International Arbitration Awards [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 75-113]

  • Reasons of Administrative the principal of exclaiming the reasons and documentation of the administrative decisions and it's effect on the jurisprudence of the court of administrative justice [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 91-115]

  • Reciprocity of Rights and Duties Countermeasures for Human Rights Obligations [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 34-58]

  • Recognition ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]

  • Recognition The Effect of Human Rights Rules on Private international Law In the Light of European Court of Human Rights Judgments [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 133-154]

  • Recourse Implementation of the Principle of Joint and Several Liability in the System of International Responsibility [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 253-292]

  • Recruitment Complaints The Competent Authorities for Addressing the Recruitment Complaints in the Iranian Legal System; Ambiguities and Solutions [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 27-46]

  • Referendum A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]

  • Referral of situation The Interrelationship between the International Criminal Court and the Security Council in the light of 2010 Review Conference [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 163-184]

  • Refugee Prohibition of Reservation to the Principle of Non-Refoulement of Refugees in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 241-276]

  • Refugee Law Protecting Women from Sexual and Gender-based Violence in European Refugee Crisis Focusing on UNHCR Approach [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Refugee Law Prohibition of Reservation to the Principle of Non-Refoulement of Refugees in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 241-276]

  • Refugees Environmentally-Displaced Persons in International Law: Conceptual Ambiguity and the Need for a Legal Framework [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 179-207]

  • Regional The Cooperation Priciple in International Environmental Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 61-90]

  • Regionalization Internationalization of Constitutional Laws; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 121-146]

  • Registration Law Privatization of the Registration System through Notary Offices [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 71-93]

  • Regular A Reflection on Global Compact on Migration [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 142-174]

  • Regulation Principles of Codification for the Laws and Regulations of the Internet with the Emphasis on UNESCO and European Council Documents [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 43-82]

  • Regulation The Evolution of Government Intervention in Economyfrom the Perspective of Public Law-Welfare to Post Regulatory Governments [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 185-204]

  • Regulation A Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Approach to Family Regulation [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 289-309]

  • Regulation Geoengineering and the Approach of International Environmental Documents Towards It's Regulation [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 183-214]

  • Regulation Legal Nature of Compulsory Licensing under Patent Law: Regulatory Measure or Expropriation? [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 149-181]

  • Regulation Board of Electricity Market The Study of Regulatory Agencies on Electricity Market in the Law of Iran and the United States of America [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 193-220]

  • Regulations The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Regulations Feasibility and Challenges of Prior Sharia Supervision over Regulations by Guardian Council Jurists [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 119-154]

  • Regulatory Authority The Obstacles to Establish the Desired Satellite Television Model in Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 9-39]

  • Regulatory State The Evolution of Government Intervention in Economyfrom the Perspective of Public Law-Welfare to Post Regulatory Governments [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 185-204]

  • Relativity Reserved Domain in the Awards of International Court of Justice [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • Religious freedom Margin of Appreciation in Religious Freedom in Light of the Jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 61-82]

  • Religious Government The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 117-148]

  • Remedial Secession The Right to Remedial Secession in the light of National and Regional Judicial Decisions [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 9-37]

  • Remedial Secession Realization of the Right to Self-determination in the Framework of R2P [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 133-170]

  • Reparation ProtectingIndividual Rights: Analyzing ICJ Judgment in the Case of Guinea Against Congo [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 31-52]

  • Republic The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]

  • Republic The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 95-132]

  • Reservation Prohibition of Reservation to the Principle of Non-Refoulement of Refugees in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 241-276]

  • Reserved domain Reserved Domain in the Awards of International Court of Justice [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • Res Judicata The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Responsibility of State State Responsibility for Violation of Human Rights by Transnational Corporations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 105-128]

  • Responsibility of the State A Historical Analysis of the Duality of Litigation Process in Matters of Responsibility of State in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 243-265]

  • Responsible Organizations Right to the City [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 250-282]

  • Responsiveness Legal Analysis of the Right of Access to Information by Realizing Citizenship Rights with an Emphasis on the Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 321-354]

  • Res Publica The Roman Foundations of Public Law [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Restriction Comparative Study of the Limits of Freedom of Expression on Television from the Perspective of International Documents on Human Rights and Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 153-177]

  • Revision Review in The Constitution as the unwritten principle [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 7-46]

  • Revision Conferences ICC Restrictions Regarding its Activation of Jurisdiction over Crime of Aggression [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 67-90]

  • Revision request Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]

  • Revocation The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]

  • Right The Theory of Exceptionalism Facing the Theory of Balance [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 9-42]

  • Right Reconsideration of the Interest of State Doctrine in the Light of Balance Theory [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 123-155]

  • Right The Possibility to Use the Right to Be Wrong in the Eyes of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 233-264]

  • Right Theories of the Ethical Government Vs. Social Contract: A Practical View of the State Through Hegel's Point of View and His Critiques of Classical Liberalism [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 171-206]

  • Right" A Critique on the Housing Production Jump Law with an Emphasis on the Implementation of the law Regarding the Lands and Properties of Universities in the Light of Case Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rights The Concept of Rights: Views of Bentham and Khoei [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 61-83]

  • Right to Access to Water human rights requirements of states in the utilization of international watercourses: a Case study of Hirmand [(Articles in Press)]

  • Right to be elected Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]

  • Right to be Secure States Responsibility on Human Individual Security [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 185-211]

  • Right to Development Employment of Internal Self-determination as an Effective Solution on the Way to Fight against Corruption and Realization of the Right to Development [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 69-97]

  • Right to food Transgenic Food and Challenges Ahead on the Base of Right to Food [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 53-75]

  • Right to food Principles of Prohibition of Nutritional Consumption and Trade of Wild Animals under International Law: The Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus from Animals to Humans [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 167-191]

  • Right to health The Scope of the Right to Health in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 47-70]

  • Right to health Transgenic Food and Challenges Ahead on the Base of Right to Food [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 53-75]

  • Right to health The Conflict between Citizens' Right to Privacy and the State's Right to Digitally Tracking People Infected or Suspected of Transmitting the Covid-19 Virus [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 9-42]

  • Right to health human rights requirements of states in the utilization of international watercourses: a Case study of Hirmand [(Articles in Press)]

  • Right to health Human rights, the right to health and artificial intelligence [(Articles in Press)]

  • Right to Peace The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 95-132]

  • Right to privacy The right to privacy versus the necessity to fight terrorism from the viewpoint of european human rights system; emphasizing the current crisis in Europe [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 261-288]

  • Right to privacy The Conflict between Citizens' Right to Privacy and the State's Right to Digitally Tracking People Infected or Suspected of Transmitting the Covid-19 Virus [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 9-42]

  • Right to Security States Responsibility on Human Individual Security [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 185-211]

  • Right to Solidarity Right to Solidarity and Iinternational Solidarity: Challenges Ahead and the Most Recent Changes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 107-132]

  • Right to the City Right to the City [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 250-282]

  • Right to Water UUrbaser v Argentina: The Origins of Host State Human Rights Counterclaim in ICSID Arbitration [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 41-67]

  • Right to Water The Right to Water in Investment Treaty Arbitration and Its Impact on Jurisdiction and Applicable Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 331-367]

  • Romania State Problems of Enforcement of ICSID Awards: An Analysis of Micula Case [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 233-256]

  • Rome convention Legal Aspects of Attachment of Aircraft under Iranian Law and the International Conventions [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 175-202]

  • Rousseau Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • Rule of law Evaluation and Reform of Administrative Process in the Mirror of the General Inspector of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 111-140]

  • Rule of law Principle of Unreasonableness in Administrative Law and its Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 105-129]

  • Rule of law Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Rule of law The Statute of Rule of Law in International Law [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 171-196]

  • Rule of law Evaluation the Relation between Duty to Give Reasons Principle and Rule of Law [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 65-92]

  • Rule of law Possibility and impossibility of interdisciplinary studies in LAW Case study: sociology of public law [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 269-290]

  • Rule of law State of Emergency and Limitation of Fundamental Rights: The Measures of the Italian Government to Fight against Covid-19 [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Rule of law The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 117-148]

  • Rule of law Living Constitution; History and Approaches [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 183-216]

  • Rule of law Rule of Law in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 289-315]

  • Rule of law assemblege theory, a lens for analyzing institutional dynamics from the perspective of public law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rule of law The foundations of the legitimacy of the unwritten constitution [(Articles in Press)]


  • Safe and Orderly A Reflection on Global Compact on Migration [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 142-174]

  • Safe zone The Legality of the Creation of “Safe Zone” in Syrian Northern Borders with Turkey in Accordance with International Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 10-41]

  • Sale Reflection on Commercial Exploitation of Underwater Cultural Heritage with a Focus on UNESCO’S 2001 Convention [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 87-109]

  • Salvage Law Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Sanction The Effects of Imposed Sanctions against Iran on Environment, Energy & Technology Transfer in International Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 103-123]

  • Satellite Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • Satellite T.V The Obstacles to Establish the Desired Satellite Television Model in Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 9-39]

  • Scattered Legislation Scattered Legislation in Iranian Legislative System [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 157-184]

  • Schools Alevis and the Legal System of Religious Education in Turkish Schools: the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 291-312]

  • Screening Mechanism for Claims The Pros and Cons of Third Party Funding in the International Investment Arbitration Regime [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 47-79]

  • Secession ICJ AO on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Legal Analysis of Different Perspectives [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 9-45]

  • Secondary rules Theories on Necessity of Observing Rules of International Humanitarian Law by Non State Armed Groups in the Light of Non International Armed Conflict in Yemen [(Articles in Press)]

  • Secretary General An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Secretary-General Extension of the UN Secretary-General's Practice and Domestic Exclusive Jurisdiction in Defence of the UN Charter Art. 2 (7) after Seventy Years [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 195-214]

  • Security Failed States Status in Contemporary International Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 35-60]

  • Security Council New Interpretation on Peace and International Security and Its Influence on the National Sovereignty [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 83-109]

  • Security Council The Interrelationship between the International Criminal Court and the Security Council in the light of 2010 Review Conference [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 163-184]

  • Security Council An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Security Council The Conflict Between The constituent instrument of Intrnational Organization and The Security Council Resolutions [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 39-70]

  • Self- completeness of Law Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 41-63]

  • Self-Contained Regimes Countermeasures for Human Rights Obligations [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 34-58]

  • Self-defense Shooting Down of the US Drone by Iranian Forces from International Law Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 203-226]

  • Self-defense The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]

  • Self-defense Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • Self Determination Examining Afghan People's Right to Self-Determination in International Law, Emphasizing the Legal Status of the Self-proclaimed "Islamic EMARIT" Government [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 49-81]

  • Self-determination of People Realization of the Right to Self-determination in the Framework of R2P [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 133-170]

  • Separation of powers " Budget situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with emphasis on the separation of powers [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 125-148]

  • Separation of Powers- Supremacy of the Constitution- Guardian Council Analyzing Principle of Non-delegation in the Light of the Principle of Constitutional Supremacy; A Critical Review of Guardian Councils Views [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 77-99]

  • Service Contract (Buy- Back) Rules and Regualtions Prevailing on Foreign Investment in Upstream Oil Industry Projects of Iran, with Particular Reference to the Buy-Back Facilitations Method [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 37-68]

  • Sexual Abuse An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • Sexual Abuse A reflection on Lanzarote Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 125-155]

  • Sexual and Gender-based violence Protecting Women from Sexual and Gender-based Violence in European Refugee Crisis Focusing on UNHCR Approach [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Sexual Exploitation A reflection on Lanzarote Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 125-155]

  • Shared Water Resources The Concept and Realm of the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization of Shared Water Resources: From the Perspective of International Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 9-44]

  • Shareholder Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]

  • Share International Responsibility Implementation of the Principle of Joint and Several Liability in the System of International Responsibility [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 253-292]

  • Shares Interaction Between International and Domestic Law in Purpose of Determining Shareholders’ Rights in International Investment Disputes [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 127-164]

  • Sharia Supervision Feasibility and Challenges of Prior Sharia Supervision over Regulations by Guardian Council Jurists [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 119-154]

  • Social and Cultural Right Transgenic Food and Challenges Ahead on the Base of Right to Food [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 53-75]

  • Social contract Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • Social security law Financial monitoring on Social Security Organization [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 203-225]

  • Social Security Organization Legal-Economic Analysis of Contractorship Premium Rates: The Criticism of Social Security Organization and the Administrative Justice Tribunal [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 29-59]

  • Sociology of Public Law Possibility and impossibility of interdisciplinary studies in LAW Case study: sociology of public law [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 269-290]

  • SOFA An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • SOFA Agreement The Study of Legitimacy of Starting International Criminal Court Investigation on the Actions of American Troops in Afghanistan [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 251-272]

  • Soft Law Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance and International Law: Common Concepts or New Approach? [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 107-140]

  • Solidarity Right Right to Solidarity and Iinternational Solidarity: Challenges Ahead and the Most Recent Changes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 107-132]

  • Solidarity Rights The Nature of Solidarity Rights: Collective Rights or Peoples' Right [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 143-168]

  • South China Sea Considering the term of historic water in perespective of the South China Sea [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 33-60]

  • Sovereign act Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Sovereignity Analyzing 2008 International Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 9-33]

  • Sovereignty Failed States Status in Contemporary International Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 35-60]

  • Sovereignty The Vital National Interest in the Light of International Judicial Procedure (Jurisprudence) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 9-37]

  • Sovereignty Forum Prorogatum before the International Court ofد Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 163-192]

  • Sovereignty Forum Prorogatum before the International Court of Justice: The Djibouti v. France Case (2008) [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 193-219]

  • Sovereignty A Foucauldian Analysis of Post-Modern Concept of Sovereignty in the Light of Public Law [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 9-32]

  • Sovereignty the fundamental principles of the constitution law to describe the concept of citizenship [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 173-201]

  • Sovereignty Redefining Public Properties and Its effects in Iranian Legal system [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 65-96]

  • Sovereignty Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De localisation of Tehran [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 43-74]

  • Sovereignty The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]

  • Sovereignty Judicial Mechanism of Human Rights in Europe, Supremacy is with Sovereignty or Human Rights [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 9-37]

  • Sovereignty Right Arbitrability of International Tax Disputes [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 117-142]

  • Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Rereading the Position of the Head of the Legislature in Iran's Constitutional Law System [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 81-108]

  • Special Economic Zone Consideration and analysis of the Special Economic Zone financial condition in the Islamic Republic of Iran legal system [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 157-181]

  • Specific Competence The Concept and Function of "Competence" in Administrative Law [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 207-238]

  • Specific Standards of Fair Administrative Hearing Analysis of Administrative Justice Act from the Perspective of Specific Administrative Fair Trial Standards (with Regard to European Human Rights Court) [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 245-272]

  • Spectrum and Orbit Resources The Role of ITU in the Codification and Development of International Space Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 141-172]

  • Stakeholders Wind Gone: A Critique of corporate governance in the Social Security Organization and Civil Servants Pension Fund [(Articles in Press)]

  • Standard for Proving Damages The Standards for Proving Damages and Its Amount: A Comparative Study under Transnational Instruments and International Arbitration Awards [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 75-113]

  • State States Responsibility on Human Individual Security [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 185-211]

  • State A Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Approach to Family Regulation [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 289-309]

  • State The Obstacles to Establish the Desired Satellite Television Model in Iranian Legal System [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 9-39]

  • State Guardianship and and pro-participation: an analysis of functions' effects of the right to assembly in citizen-state relationship [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 151-177]

  • State Responsibility of the State or the Government? Explaining Its Foundations in Light of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Iranian Penal Code [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 185-215]

  • State Redefining Public Properties and Its effects in Iranian Legal system [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 65-96]

  • State Administrative Organization of Mosque and Measurement of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Legal System of Iran: Compatibility or Contradiction? [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 253-277]

  • State The Relationship between State and Ethics in the Doctrine of Professor Naser Katouzian [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 255-287]

  • State Theories of the Ethical Government Vs. Social Contract: A Practical View of the State Through Hegel's Point of View and His Critiques of Classical Liberalism [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 171-206]

  • State Aid Problems of Enforcement of ICSID Awards: An Analysis of Micula Case [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 233-256]

  • State Control International Responsibility of States for Private Company’s Conduct Thorough the Lens of InternationalJudicial and Arbitral Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 115-140]

  • State failure Failed States Status in Contemporary International Law [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 35-60]

  • State of emergency A Study on Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq's Behavior towards the Parliament from the Viewpoint of the Constitution of 1906 and the Constitutional Theory [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 263-297]

  • State of Exception State of Emergency and Limitation of Fundamental Rights: The Measures of the Italian Government to Fight against Covid-19 [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 41-61]

  • State of origin The Obligation of the State of Origin and Other States to Prevent of Corona’s (Covid-19) Transboundary Damages [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 83-111]

  • State Responsibility Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • States A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]

  • States Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • State Sovereignty International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 215-243]

  • State Vessels and Warships Immunity Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Statute of the International Criminal Court The Relationship between Subsequent Custom and Treaty within the Framework of Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 137-163]

  • Statutes Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt and constitutional review of statutes [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 111-132]

  • Strike An Introduction on the Legal System of the Right to Strike in Private Sector (France, Britain and Iran) [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 109-134]

  • Structure A Critical Research on the Administrative Justice Court's Procedure Bill [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 121-161]

  • Subjectivity Foundation of State Responsibility Based on Nature of State in Rousseau's Thought [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 109-139]

  • Subjects of International Law International Legal Personality of Non-Governmental Organizations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 215-243]

  • Subsequent custom The Relationship between Subsequent Custom and Treaty within the Framework of Article 10 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court [Volume 19, Issue 58, 2016-2017, Pages 137-163]

  • Substantial Similarity Substantial Similarity in Copyright Infringement: Emphasizing on US Case Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 79-116]

  • Substantive Norms Confrontation of Immunity and Responsibility Arising from Violation of Jus Cogens Norms in the ICJ Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 237-270]

  • Succession to Reparation Succession of States in Respect of the Right to Reparation [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 279-300]

  • Succession to Responsibility Succession of States in Respect of the Right to Reparation [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 279-300]

  • Summary Declaration The Carrier’s Duty of Customs Summary Declaration [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 137-169]

  • Sunken State Vessels and Warships Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Supervision Comparative Approach of Monetary Resources and Financing of Elections (Study on Election System of Iran, France, Russia and USA) [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 9-35]

  • Supervision Nature of Supervisory Council on Executing Constitution in Iran and Algeria [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 37-59]

  • Supervision The Feasibility Study of Aggregation of Pension Funds in Iran’s Social Security [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 85-110]

  • Supervision of Government Analyzing Supervision Method over Dramatic and Cinema Works in The Constitutional Legal System of iran(1928-1979) [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 61-89]

  • Supervisor Government’s supervision on endowments: study on challenges of receiving observer’s fee from endowments by endowment and charity affairs organization [Volume 18, Issue 53, 2016, Pages 199-216]

  • Supremacy of the constitution Pathology of the process of guaranteeing the supremacy of the constitution over ordinary law in constitutional law system of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Supreme Constitutional Court Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt and constitutional review of statutes [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 111-132]

  • Supreme Court Interpretative Approach of the Supreme Court in Protecting Rights and Freedoms in Light of Its Case Laws [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 293-320]

  • Supreme Technical Council Legal Nature of the Supreme Technical Council and Critiques on Its Duties [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 205-232]

  • Sustainable Development Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations under the International Law [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 59-63]

  • Sustainable Development Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction as Common Heritage of Mankind [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 171-203]

  • Sustainable Development The Role of Foreign Investment Insurer in Sustainable Investment with Emphasis on MIGA's Practice [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 44-69]

  • Sustainable peace The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 95-132]

  • Syndicated Loans The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 87-105]

  • Syndicated Loans The Survey of Concept and Necessity of Syndicated Loans in Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 107-128]

  • Syria The Legality of the Creation of “Safe Zone” in Syrian Northern Borders with Turkey in Accordance with International Law [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 10-41]


  • Take Part in Cultural Life Protection of Minorities' culture and cultural rights under the Light of CESCR's General Comment NO.21 [Volume 19, Issue 56, 2016-2017, Pages 9-32]

  • Tankers Rights and Duties of Governments to Prevent and Compensate Pollution of the Sea Resulting from the Transportation of Oil: A Study of International Declarations, Conventions and Awards [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 175-198]

  • Targeted Targeted killing in humanitarian law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 39-76]

  • Tax The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Tax Disputes Arbitrability of International Tax Disputes [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 117-142]

  • Tax exemption Consideration and analysis of the Special Economic Zone financial condition in the Islamic Republic of Iran legal system [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 157-181]

  • Taxpayers’ Rights The Consequences of the Violation of Functus Officio and Res Judicata Principles on Tax Regulation and their Effect on Taxpayers [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 241-266]

  • Tax regulation Consideration and analysis of the Special Economic Zone financial condition in the Islamic Republic of Iran legal system [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 157-181]

  • Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement Iran’s Technical Barriers to Trade in Light of the Law of the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 181-211]

  • Technical knowledge TThe New Model of Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and the Problem of Technology Transfer in Oil Industry [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 83-107]

  • Technical Prescriptions in Iran Iran’s Technical Barriers to Trade in Light of the Law of the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 181-211]

  • Technology TThe New Model of Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and the Problem of Technology Transfer in Oil Industry [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 83-107]

  • Technology Transfer The Effects of Imposed Sanctions against Iran on Environment, Energy & Technology Transfer in International Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 103-123]

  • Television Comparative Study of the Limits of Freedom of Expression on Television from the Perspective of International Documents on Human Rights and Iran’s Legal System [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 153-177]

  • Tenure-Based Government Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De localisation of Tehran [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 43-74]

  • Territorial Integrity The Right to Remedial Secession in the light of National and Regional Judicial Decisions [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 9-37]

  • Territorial Unity The Relationship between the Right to Mother Tongue and National Security and Territorial Unity [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 221-253]

  • Territory Shooting Down of the US Drone by Iranian Forces from International Law Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 203-226]

  • Territory Examining the Ramifications of the Expanding Domain of Public Law in Iran's Legal Framework [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 119-156]

  • Terrorism The right to privacy versus the necessity to fight terrorism from the viewpoint of european human rights system; emphasizing the current crisis in Europe [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 261-288]

  • Terrorism The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]

  • Textualism Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 41-63]

  • Theater Analyzing Supervision Method over Dramatic and Cinema Works in The Constitutional Legal System of iran(1928-1979) [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 61-89]

  • The Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the River (Argentina vs Uruguay) Status of Environmental Obligations in International Investment Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 191-224]

  • The Chicago Convention A Study of the Legal Aspects of Contagious Diseases in Aviation Industry with Emphasis on Coronavirus Disease [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 221-249]

  • The Comparative Study Declaration, Classification, and Declassification of Administrative Documents in Light of Right of Access to Information in Iran and the U, S, Legal Systems [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 183-213]

  • The constitution of Iran" The fate of the constitution in the first Pahlavi period [(Articles in Press)]

  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979 A Critical Study of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Proposing for an Islamic Standard [(Articles in Press)]

  • The essentiall Rights of Soveraighty Review of the Persian Translation of Leviathan in the Light of Public Law Concepts [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 215-239]

  • The investigation Commission deal with Groundwater Jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court about the Review the Revision Request that Made by the Government into the Vote of Exceptional Administrative Authorities: According to the Decision of Unity Procedure Number 792 dated 1399/4/24 of the Supreme Court. [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 279-302]

  • The Judiciary System in Qajar era An analysis of the relation between reforms implemented by Amir Kabir and Sepahsalar in the judiciary system of the Nasery era [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 192-218]

  • The legislative Power Review of the Persian Translation of Leviathan in the Light of Public Law Concepts [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 215-239]

  • Theories of third generation rights The Concept of ‘Third Generation Rights’ [Volume 15, Issue 39, 2014, Pages 167-196]

  • The precautionary principle Precautionary in International Law: A Customary Principle or a General Principle of Law? [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 33-63]

  • The Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization The Concept and Realm of the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization of Shared Water Resources: From the Perspective of International Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 9-44]

  • The Principle of Fairness The Concept and Realm of the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization of Shared Water Resources: From the Perspective of International Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 9-44]

  • The principle of free proceedings Analysis of the Principles and Issues of the Costs of Litigations in Administrative Actions: A case study of the Administrative Tribunal Court [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 220-240]

  • The Principle of No Significant Harm The Concept and Realm of the Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization of Shared Water Resources: From the Perspective of International Law [Volume 24, Issue 75, 2022-2023, Pages 9-44]

  • The Right of Access to Information Declaration, Classification, and Declassification of Administrative Documents in Light of Right of Access to Information in Iran and the U, S, Legal Systems [Volume 24, Issue 76, 2022-2023, Pages 183-213]

  • The Right to Access to Information Us Unilateral Sanctions Against Iran; Contradiction in Slogan and Conduct, Extreme Politisization of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 149-173]

  • The Right to Development Us Unilateral Sanctions Against Iran; Contradiction in Slogan and Conduct, Extreme Politisization of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 149-173]

  • The Right to Development Human rights, the right to health and artificial intelligence [(Articles in Press)]

  • The right to elect Analysis of Religious Criteria in Qualification Assessment of Election Candidates in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 153-181]

  • The right to freedom of assembly Guardianship and and pro-participation: an analysis of functions' effects of the right to assembly in citizen-state relationship [Volume 20, Issue 61, 2017-2018, Pages 151-177]

  • The right to health Suspension of Human Rights Commitments of States in Necessity: Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 111-140]

  • The right to health Challenges to the Health of Immigrant Women in the Light of International Human Rights with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Crisis [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 143-180]

  • The Right to Property Us Unilateral Sanctions Against Iran; Contradiction in Slogan and Conduct, Extreme Politisization of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 149-173]

  • The Rule of Lex Specialis The Rule of Lex Specialis, as a Field for the Operation of Principle of Specialty of International Organization [Volume 17, Issue 50, 2015, Pages 169-189]

  • The Sakhanh Case The Legality of Courts Established by Armed Groups in the Context of NIAC with an Emphasis on the Stockholm District Court Judgment [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 34-64]

  • The Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs Evaluation of the Consolidation Collections of the Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 267-301]

  • The World Radio Communication Conference The Role of ITU in the Codification and Development of International Space Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 141-172]

  • Third Generation Rights Right to Solidarity and Iinternational Solidarity: Challenges Ahead and the Most Recent Changes [Volume 17, Issue 49, 2015, Pages 107-132]

  • Third Party Funding The Pros and Cons of Third Party Funding in the International Investment Arbitration Regime [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 47-79]

  • Third Party Investment Third Party Investment in International Commercial Arbitration [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 71-105]

  • Third-World Approaches to International Law A Critical Look at International Law from the Perspective of the Third-World Approaches: Beginning of a Modern Era? [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 163-204]

  • Threats to Freedom from Fear Freedom from Fear [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 39-79]

  • Tolerance Tolerance in International Human Rights Law [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 71-113]

  • Tractatus The Train of Universality of Human Rights on the Railway of Wittgenstein (from an Ideal language to a vague one) [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 9-31]

  • Trade Dress A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Trade Facilitation Agreement Iran’s Technical Barriers to Trade in Light of the Law of the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 181-211]

  • Trademark A Comparative Review of the Registrability of Functional Features in Trademark Law and its Impacts on patient Health and Competition in the Pharmaceuticals. [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 75-118]

  • Trade Union An Introduction on the Legal System of the Right to Strike in Private Sector (France, Britain and Iran) [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 109-134]

  • Traditional The State of Governance in the European Union in the Light of the Rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 35-61]

  • Traditional Law Legal Pluralism Reflection on the of Binding Nature of Legal Rule and Parameters of the Evolution of Legal System [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 135-163]

  • Traditional Voluntarism Comparative Analysis of Traditional Voluntarism in the Naseri Era and Modern Voluntarism [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 313-342]

  • Training and Improvement of Human Resources The Role of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization in Maintaining Aviation Safety [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 69-105]

  • Transboundary Aquifers' Laws Analyzing 2008 International Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 9-33]

  • Trans boundary Environmental Harm Analysis of the Elements of Obligation to Prevent Trans boundary Environmental Harm [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 243-268]

  • Transboundary harm The Obligation of the State of Origin and Other States to Prevent of Corona’s (Covid-19) Transboundary Damages [Volume 22, Issue 67, 2019-2020, Pages 83-111]

  • Transfer of law Reform of legal systems through the evolution of comparative law [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 183-206]

  • Transfer of Right Succession of States in Respect of the Right to Reparation [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 279-300]

  • Transgenic food Transgenic Food and Challenges Ahead on the Base of Right to Food [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 53-75]

  • Transnational Constitutionalism The Relationship between Universalism in Human Rights and Unamendable Constitutional Rules; With a Reflection on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 1-36]

  • Transnational Corporations State Responsibility for Violation of Human Rights by Transnational Corporations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 105-128]

  • Transnational Corporations Environmental Obligations of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2014, Pages 81-101]

  • Transnational Instruments The Standards for Proving Damages and Its Amount: A Comparative Study under Transnational Instruments and International Arbitration Awards [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 75-113]

  • Transnationalism Investigating the impact of the mechanism of creating a Trans Governmental network in the international community [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 311-335]

  • Transparency The Role of Media in Judicial Transparency [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 9-33]

  • Transparency Financial Corruption and Transparency in the Executive Bodies [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 171-202]

  • Transparency The Approach of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda to the Principle of Legal Security [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 6-47]

  • Transparency Wind Gone: A Critique of corporate governance in the Social Security Organization and Civil Servants Pension Fund [(Articles in Press)]

  • Treasury Responsibility of the State or the Government? Explaining Its Foundations in Light of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Iranian Penal Code [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 185-215]

  • Trustees" A Critique on the Housing Production Jump Law with an Emphasis on the Implementation of the law Regarding the Lands and Properties of Universities in the Light of Case Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Tyranny Studying the Concept of Law in pre-constitutional with emphasis on the Opinions of Mirzamalkamkhan Nazim al-Dawla [(Articles in Press)]


  • UAE Racial Discrimination Based on National Origin in the Light of the ICJ Judgement of 4 February 2021 in Qatar v. UAE Case [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 37-74]

  • Umbrella Clause Umbrella Clause in Bilateral Investment Treaties [Volume 16, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 47-80]

  • Unable and Unwilling Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • Unamendable Constitutional Rules The Relationship between Universalism in Human Rights and Unamendable Constitutional Rules; With a Reflection on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 1-36]

  • UN Charter The Legitimacy of the Use of Force by Turkey in Attacking Northern Syria from the Perspective of International Law [Volume 23, Issue 74, 2020-2021, Pages 303-335]

  • UN Charter Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 265-302]

  • Underwater Cultural Heritage Legal Status of Sunken State Vessels and Warships under the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 115-141]

  • Underwater Cultural Heritage Reflection on Commercial Exploitation of Underwater Cultural Heritage with a Focus on UNESCO’S 2001 Convention [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 87-109]

  • Underwater Cultural Heritage Legal Nature of the Jurisdiction of Coastal State on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Contiguous Zone [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 119-141]

  • UNESCO An In-depth Analysis of the Initial Draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Right to Environment [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 9-47]

  • UNESCO’s 2001 Convention Reflection on Commercial Exploitation of Underwater Cultural Heritage with a Focus on UNESCO’S 2001 Convention [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 87-109]

  • UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies The Binding Nature of Interim Measures Issued by Human Rights Treaty Bodies [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 227-256]

  • Unified Patent Court Impacts of Establishment of Unitary Patent System in European Union [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 35-58]

  • Unilateral act of states The Study of Legality of Intentional Revocation of Unilateral Acts of States in International Law [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 95-125]

  • Union Access to Environmental Justice in EU for Non-governmental Actors [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 237-259]

  • Union The Relationship of Republic and the Islamism of the System and Its Neglected Institution [Volume 23, Issue 72, 2020-2021, Pages 165-198]

  • Unitary Patents Impacts of Establishment of Unitary Patent System in European Union [Volume 18, Issue 52, 2016, Pages 35-58]

  • United Nations An Analysis of Criminal Jurisdiction over Peacekeeping Personnel [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 167-198]

  • United Nations Evolution in the Internal Justice Regime of the United Nations [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 167-193]

  • United Nations Extension of the UN Secretary-General's Practice and Domestic Exclusive Jurisdiction in Defence of the UN Charter Art. 2 (7) after Seventy Years [Volume 19, Issue 55, 2016-2017, Pages 195-214]

  • United Nations Creation of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas; A New United Nations Model and its Challenges [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 361-388]

  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Protecting Women from Sexual and Gender-based Violence in European Refugee Crisis Focusing on UNHCR Approach [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • United states Withdrawal from JCPOA and Compensation for Non-performance of International Commercial Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 69, 2019-2020, Pages 9-33]

  • Universalism of Human Rights The Relationship between Universalism in Human Rights and Unamendable Constitutional Rules; With a Reflection on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 82, 2023-2024, Pages 1-36]

  • Universality towards the development of international law of internet [Volume 18, Issue 54, 2016, Pages 219-245]

  • Universality of Human rights The Train of Universality of Human Rights on the Railway of Wittgenstein (from an Ideal language to a vague one) [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 9-31]

  • University Board of trustees Legal Position of Resolutions Drafted by Board of Trustees of Universities and Educational Institutions [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 35-69]

  • University" A Critique on the Housing Production Jump Law with an Emphasis on the Implementation of the law Regarding the Lands and Properties of Universities in the Light of Case Law [(Articles in Press)]

  • Un-Planned Bands Frequency Allocation in the Geostationary Orbit in International Space Law [Volume 14, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 101-118]

  • UN practice The Conflict Between The constituent instrument of Intrnational Organization and The Security Council Resolutions [Volume 19, Issue 57, 2016-2017, Pages 39-70]

  • Unreasonableness Principle of Unreasonableness in Administrative Law and its Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 105-129]

  • Unreasonable Process Principle of Unreasonableness in Administrative Law and its Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Administrative Justice Court [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 105-129]

  • Unwritten Constitutional Principles Review in The Constitution as the unwritten principle [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 7-46]

  • Upstream Oil Industry Projects Rules and Regualtions Prevailing on Foreign Investment in Upstream Oil Industry Projects of Iran, with Particular Reference to the Buy-Back Facilitations Method [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 37-68]

  • Upstream Operations A Review of Environmental Requirements Applicable on the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Stipulated in theFundamental Legal Instruments of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 217-242]

  • Upstream Sector of the Oil and Gas Industry An Assessment of Oil Legislation Sources Adequacy in National Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Development in Upstream Sector [Volume 21, Issue 65, 2018-2019, Pages 115-136]

  • Urban Agriculture Challenges of Formation and Development of Legal System of Urban Agriculture [(Articles in Press)]

  • Urban Environment Challenges of Formation and Development of Legal System of Urban Agriculture [(Articles in Press)]

  • Urbanization Law Right to the City [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 250-282]

  • Urban Law Right to the City [Volume 22, Issue 70, 2019-2020, Pages 250-282]

  • US Drone Shooting Down of the US Drone by Iranian Forces from International Law Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 68, 2019-2020, Pages 203-226]

  • U.S jurisprudence COMPILATION WORKS AND ORIGINALITY [Volume 20, Issue 60, 2017-2018, Pages 35-67]

  • US Unilateral Sanctions Us Unilateral Sanctions Against Iran; Contradiction in Slogan and Conduct, Extreme Politisization of Human Rights [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 149-173]


  • Veil of Ignorance Understanding and criticizing criminal justice on the basis of Rawls' Veil of Ignorance [Volume 23, Issue 73, 2020-2021, Pages 107-133]

  • Vice President Feasibility of Appointing a Vice President in the Legal Jurisdiction of the Ministries [Volume 25, Issue 80, 2023-2024, Pages 275-303]

  • Violation of Human Rights State Responsibility for Violation of Human Rights by Transnational Corporations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 105-128]

  • Violation of Legal Duties Reconsideration of the President’s Responsibility before the Islamic Consultative Assembly: Interpellation or Impeachment [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 127-162]

  • Voluntary Human Shield Legal Status of Voluntary Human Shield in International Humanitarian Law [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 77-103]


  • Wastes Obligations and Responsibility of States in the Protection and Conservation of Environment against Wastes, With an Emphasis on Hazardous Wastes [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 165-200]

  • Water Utilization of Ilisu Dam in Turkey and the Rules of International Water Law [Volume 21, Issue 63, 2018-2019, Pages 163-190]

  • Weak party of the Contract The Impact of Human Rights on Contract Law in the Light of European Case Law [Volume 15, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 173-190]

  • Welfare state The Evolution of Government Intervention in Economyfrom the Perspective of Public Law-Welfare to Post Regulatory Governments [Volume 17, Issue 47, 2015, Pages 185-204]

  • Wittgenstein The Train of Universality of Human Rights on the Railway of Wittgenstein (from an Ideal language to a vague one) [Volume 16, Issue 45, 2014, Pages 9-31]

  • Women Refugees Protecting Women from Sexual and Gender-based Violence in European Refugee Crisis Focusing on UNHCR Approach [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2017-2018, Pages 71-99]

  • Women&rsquo The Role of Public Participation in Ensuring of Women's Access to the Right to Development [Volume 25, Issue 81, 2023-2024, Pages 47-80]

  • Women&rsquo؛ s rights A Critical Study of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Proposing for an Islamic Standard [(Articles in Press)]

  • Women security Women's Triangle, Peace and Security in Afghanistan from the Perspective of the United Nations Security Council [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 343-380]

  • Work Performance A Survey on the Legal Requirements of Local Content Utilization in the Upstream Petroleum Industry [Volume 20, Issue 59, 2017-2018, Pages 64-96]

  • Work Trial Authorities The Competent Authorities for Addressing the Recruitment Complaints in the Iranian Legal System; Ambiguities and Solutions [Volume 17, Issue 48, 2015, Pages 27-46]

  • World Bank The Challenge of Legitimacy in the Structure and Operation of the International Organizations: Case Study of the World Bank [Volume 23, Issue 71, 2020-2021, Pages 9-33]

  • World Trade Organization The Role of the Environment in the World Trade Organization (WTO) [Volume 15, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 169-236]

  • World Trade Organization A Comparative Study of “Precautionary Principle” in Opinions and Decisions of Internationals Tribunals [Volume 15, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 141-164]

  • World Trade Organization Iran’s Technical Barriers to Trade in Light of the Law of the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 66, 2018-2019, Pages 181-211]

  • World Trade Organization Addressing the Legitimacy Crisis of Investment Arbitration Through its Harmonization with World Trade Organization Law [Volume 24, Issue 78, 2022-2023, Pages 181-219]

  • Wrong The Possibility to Use the Right to Be Wrong in the Eyes of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 79, 2023-2024, Pages 233-264]

  • Wrongful Act State Responsibility for Violation of Human Rights by Transnational Corporations [Volume 16, Issue 44, 2014, Pages 105-128]

  • WTO “Legitimate Expectation” in the World Trade Organization [Volume 21, Issue 64, 2018-2019, Pages 9-32]


  • Zoonotic Virus Legal Requirements for Preventing Food Insecurity in Light of a Health Impact Assessment Approach; Covid 19 Outbreak Case Study [Volume 24, Issue 77, 2022-2023, Pages 203-235]